

Leo spins around, his heart leaping into his throat. "Ryan? Ryan!" In an instant, he's back in the hall, yelling for help. He didn't know what was wrong, but something was.

JT is just heading down the hall, ready to go home after working a double-shift, when he hears the cry for help. Immediately on alert, he jogs to the room, almost running into Amanda and several nurses. Most likely they had enough help, but he lends a hand anyway, while ordering Leo to stay out of the way.

Working alongside Amanda without much elbow room, JT gives directions to the nurses, but follows Amanda's lead, since it is her patient. Sweat runs down the side of his face as they work to revive Ryan. He never liked losing anyone, no matter the situation.

Finally, finally they get a pulse. JT lets out the breath he's been holding, and steps back, giving Amanda more room. "Is she stabilizing?"

Leo paces the hall, chewing on his thumbnail as he waits.

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