
Better to be apart

Leo sighs and slouches in the chair. This conversation was inevitable, but that didn't make it any more enjoyable.

"Sorry - I guess I meant the guys at the shop too. Just thought if you were lonely...." He stops and shakes his head. "Just forget it," he mumbles.

Waiting a moment, he leans forward to steady his elbows on his knees. "You've said enough times you're sorry. I guess I believe it, so you can stop. Saying it more times doesn't help any."

His eyes roam the room as he pauses again. "I don't know if I really believe you fell for me or not. You know I always liked you, but I like a lot of girls. That's why I get razzed so bad. The problem is, you never would have given me a second glance, had there not been a bet involved. Whether you care now or not, isn't the point. It was all based on a bet for money. I can't just forget that happened."

He shrugs lamely. "It's not that easy for me. I don't want to be enemies... I don't like being enemies with anybody. But maybe this just wasn't meant to be, ya know? All my life, I've been looking in from the outside. I'm the clown, the goofoff, the idiot in the crowd that makes people laugh and gives them something to poke fun at. It's always been that way. Then I thought I finally had something that was real. This time it was me with the hot chick under my arm and I could say "hands off, she's mine." And then..."

More emotion came through than intended, and Leo swallows hard. "Then I found out it was built on nothing. You said yes just to prove a point, not because you wanted to."

Shifting his weight, he finds Ryan's eyes again. "I'm not saying never. Just... I think it would be better to be apart for a while. Maybe then if you still care, I'll know it's real."

Finding the right tack with a bit of help from Dan, Jade is glad she'd worn her boots today so she didn't have to go change. Saddling up only took a few minutes, and in no time at all, both riders are headed out of the ranch yard. Jade knew which way to go, and knew it would be easier to go around several of the pastures instead of having to open gates along the way. And the longer route provided more time for a nice run as well.

Once she was confident the mare was warmed up, she glances over to Dan, a challenging glint in her eye. "Alright, hotshot. Let's see what you got."

Leaning forward just a little, she presses her heels into the mare's sides and springs into a run. This path was a smooth one and Jade knew it was a safe route for a nice gallop.

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