

Ryan could feel the awkwardness in the air, and new what Leo was saying about the other woman. She had been a pawn to use to make Ryan jealous, and it had worked. Seeing that Leo was walking away again Ryan wanted to say more even if she didnt know how. Letting out a small chuckle she replys.

"Bother me?"

Ryan turns off the tv and throws the remote on the table next to the bed before laying back a little.

"I'm not exactly going anyway, I am stuck here for goodness knows how long."

Lifting her arm up and motioning around the room Ryan gives a small shakes of her head rolling her eyes a little not at Leo but at herself.

"..and its not exactly like I have a line of people waiting to see me eather. You can stay longer if you want, I'd like you to anyways. Kind of lonely here."

Looking up at Axel Jess gives a tine smile and a small sigh. She just wanted to try and help Axel all she could and it really was the only thing she could do for him.

"I know..just hoped I guess that the motion would maybe help some how."

Just holding His hand for a long moment Jess looks at there hands intertwined with each other.

"When you go to see Misty if you...want me to come along I would be more than happy too.'

Looking back at the pretty young face that stared back at him Dan could feel a little heat creep up his neck. Mick had mentioned he had a daughter and a son, but he never said he daughter was very pretty.

Taking his stetson off and holding it in one hand Dan holds out his other to meet Jade's shaking it firmly.

"Names Dan and its very nice to meet you Jade."

Thinking for a long moment Dan put the hat back on top of his head looking down at the ground for a moment and than back up at Jade.

"Last time I checked you Dad was out helping BJ in the far field gather some apples from some fresh apple pie. If you would like I would be more than happy to walk over there with you to get him. I need to ask Mick something anyways."

Dan wore a pleasant smile as an offer of friendship knowing Jade didnt venture to the ranch much and things had changed a little since the last time she was here.

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