
I'm trying

"Why would I want to call a truce and walk away when I like you Leo?"

A tiny bit of hurt was hinted in Ryan's voice as she talked she new what Leo was saying and she new he was hurt but she has said she was sorry what else could she do?

"I'm trying here Leo to make things right, After I really started to fall for you I tryed making it right and thats what I was doing the night I was shot too. Trying to make things right. I said I was sorry I dont know what else to do to make you see I am sorry and I do like you."

Shaking her head Ryan turns her head away from Leo as she looks out the window for a long moment. If one looked close Ryan looked like she was sweating, was she having a hot flash? She didnt know but she felt awfley warm.

"As for my pals they arnt my pals or my friends. The only real people I even considered friends were you and the guys at the shop. So if your not going to stay than dont bother telling anyone to come and see me."

Blushing just a little Jess looks up into Axel's eyes. This point in life is what she had been waiting for and now that she had found it she off\ten wondered how people could go through life without it.

Not saying anything else Jess just looks across the table at Axel the smile staying on her face. No more words needed to be said for Axel could see deeper and new before words said it how much she cared and loved him.

A grin form on Dan's own face knowing Jade new her was around just fine. Shifting his weaght a little he eyes a few of the horses he had left. He needed a break anyways it should hurt to take a short one before work would it?

"I do believe that was a challange, and one I am willing to take."

Walking with Jade to the tak room Dan helps her with the items for the horse she wanted before going back for his own and gettering ready. Once Dan was ready he waited to make sure Jade was as well.

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