

*Katie leans her head on Scott's her heart racing. Katie coulden't imagen who she would rather be with than Scott. He made her happy, he made her laugh, he's always been there for her.

Scott next to words take Katie by saprise. She wasent exspecting them. Her breath felt like it was stuck in her throt and for a moment she does stop breaking. Quivering she lets her breath out again, she feels like her whole body was shaking. Marry Scott, was she....was she ready for the. Just the sound of that word scaired her. She dident know why but it did.

Looking deep into Scott's eyes Katie searches, searches for the motive behind his words and all she can find is what she needs thats Scott's love did in face run that deep. That Katie had found the one single person that would go to the moon and back for her. A slight smile forms on her lips as her voice takes a tone never hurd before one that words could not even descrips. It was soft, full of love and full of life, it was a voice that was set aside for this moment, and this moment only.*

"Yes, I will."

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