
Scott Johnson

*As Scott gives Katie a hug she returns it tightly not wanting to break it. Finally leting go, Katie stands and watches Scott for a long moment. As his car starts to go down the street Katie jumps of the pourch and jogs after the car waving.*


*Finally when the car is out of sight Katie stops running and just stands stairing down the street hoping for a moment that Scott's car would return. After a few moment pass and Scott's car dosent apear Katie turns to head back to the house hearing Domino's howl. Entering again Katie bends down to pick the small dog up and kiss her forhead.*

"Its gonna be ok you...."

*Katie talks trying to being convincing for Domino though really inside she was trying to convince herself.*

"..we are gonna see him again this weekend and than soon you get to go live with him again."

*Seting Domino back down Katie moves around the house gathering Domino belonging and making sure to grab her favorte toy.*

"How about we go into work. I'll even let you come with me today so you dont have to be alone."

*Katie makes sure to shut the door behind her and lock up. Opening her car door she whistles for Domino to jump in and than pulls out of the driveway heading to TJY.*

*Nate sits unmoving on the park bentch watching the kids in the park playing. His eyes slowly scaning the area but making no fast or suddon movies.

As the older man sits down Nate offers a friendly smile the rest of his face showing no emotions. Was this Zane? The one Carson fear? As Nate see the man go for the bag he knows it must be. Standing Nate moves alittle closer till he is almost infront of Zane. In a deep voice be talks softly but strong in his words.*

"Sir, I think its best if you come with me. Stand slowly and dont draw attachen to yourself."

*Nate moves his jacket he had on alittle bit to show he had a gun. Nate eyes show there sterness and that he was not joking around.

As Zane rises Nate walks along side him casuly walks to where Misty and Carson are positioned.

As Misty watches and see Zane her jaw almost drops. Than hearing Carson's words she cant help but laugh alittle bit. Looking at Carson.*


*As Nate leads Zane over Misty demeaner changes and she becomes searouse.*

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