
Take care of..

*Nate walks up to Lockhearts door with Misty and Carson but keeps his distince behind him. As Lockheart appears Nate gives a nod and a hello to her and than to Dani.

As he watch Carson and Dani, Nate cant help but see a younger verson of himself and his sister. The time he almost thought he lost her. It had been the worst feeling in the word and Nate would never wish on anyone.

Nate turns and makes his way back to the car. Continuing to saprise himself with his actions.*

*Lockheart gives a small smile as she watches Nate. Than looking back at the other three she gestures inside.*

"You guys better come inside and get something to eat. Its going to be a long drive back to Misty's car. Because it looks like you escort just let with out you. Don't worry Her car is still there it hasen't been taken yet Nate made sure of it."

*Lockheart points down the driveway where Nate is pulling out and driving away.*

*Misty follows Lockhearts finger and watches Nate drive off. Turning back to Carson more questions on her face.*

"Whats he doing? Carson?"

*Lockheart turns to go back inside.*

"It looks to me like he is driving back to Nevada.*

*As Nate drives down the road his heart thumps inside his chest. What was he doing? Was he crazy. Pulling out his cell phone he dials Carson's number waiting till he hurd his voice.*

"If you come back to Nevada it should be on you own free will. As far as I am conserned you did some stuff wrong, but you did what you had to do to save someones life and than today I witnissed you spairing anothers. Take Misty, your sister and yourself and get out of town, or get out of the country. Start over new somewhere all three of you deserve it. As for Reese, I'll tell him you story but after that everything is fuzzy. I'm not sure what happend. So if you guys end up leaving good luck and I am sure we will be in touch. If you end up coming back to Nevada I'll see you soon and I will testafi on behalf of you guys if I have to. It was a pleaser knowing and working with you Carson. Take care of Misty and your sister for me."

*Before anything more can be said Nate hangs up the phone and lets out a sigh continuing his route back home.*

*Misty looks at Carson as he can hear someone talking in the phone. Once the conversation is done her looks worringly at Carson steping into Lockhearts apartment.*

"Who was that? Whats going on?"

*Lockheart turns and goes back to the fridge and pull out the left over pizza warming it up for everyone. Than she grabs some cans of soda out foreveryone as well.*

*As the sound of the backpack rings through the cubile Katie gives a jump breaking her out of the transe she had put herself in from work. Hearing Scott's voice her turns around fast in her chair and jumps up giving a happy shreek. Throwing her arms around Scott's neck and jumping into his arms she wraps her legs around him so she dosent fall off.*

"Scotty, what are you doing back? What about your dream? Your oppertunity your throwing it away staying here?"

*Not even giving Scott a chanse to answer Katie cant contain the joy she felt and how her heart rushed. Tears of joy stream from Katie eyes and her lips meet his for one of the most passonite kiss she ever shaired.*

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