

*Watching Jim for a moment Wendy turns her gaze to the driveway once more hoping to hear the sound of Clint's bike. Letting out a sigh Wendy turns closing the door behind her. Just a little while longer thats all. She just wanted to wait a little longer. Going back to the bed she sits down and pulls her feet up resting her head on Clint's pillow the smell from his hair still longering on it brings a tear to her eye.*

"God, I know what we did was wrong, and I know there is no going back but please let things work out. Everything is in your hands and you know what is right and good. Please keep Clint safe as well where ever he is."

*Stairing into the dark Wendy finally closes her eyes. The stress of the day wearing on her and the emotions taking there toll till finally she is asleep.*

* It's madness thats what it is...

Continuing to let her own thought spin Katie also listens to Jason. Some the emotions he felt, Katie had felt too. She new they where there thought she hadnt know how deep they really ran. Trying to controll her own emotions to not cause anymore stress to him. She new he needed to vent, and let his emotions and feeling out.

I guess this whole thing made me kind of stop and wonder if it had been anyone alse other than Scott would he have bothered to come and look for us? And if he did what made us so differnt?

Sitting up from the bed Katie stands and takes a step forward kicking something with her foot. Looking down she see Domino's bone laying on the floor and a suddin wave of sadness comes over her. She missed having the little dog around but was happy she was reunighted with her master. Maybe Katie would have to get a pet of her own. Katie can't help but giggle as she feels Jason's emotions with Trooper. Rubbing her own knee from the wave of pain that went through it. The big dog might be a good guard dog but once you gained his loylty he was a teddy bear.

He just want's to play you know and speeking of which you better get something to eat or I am gonna kick your butt...*

~*~A few hours later~*~

*As Katie see Jason come into view a smile spreads across her face. She always loved seeing him no matter what kind of mood she was in. He could always put that smile on her face and she loved it.

Parking Katie gets out and joins Jason wrapping her arms around him for a hug.*

"You know I can talk to you whenever I want to and I always feel you but I still miss you when your not around. Its funny how that works."

*Giving him a soft smile Katie wraps her fingers around Jason and heads inside. Making there way across the floor it felt strange to Katie to be there but not working it even made her a little upset though trying not to let it show.

Before we take a look at those camras I'd like to check on Scott and make sure he is doing ok.

Heading for the infermary Katie gives a soft knock on the door and than opens it. Seeing Scott awake at first makes her happy. Seeing him sit up was even better. Giving a smile Katie lets go of Jason's hand and enters the room more.*

"Hey there Scotty. J and I thought we would stop by and keep you company for a little bit. Are you hungry or an...."

*Katie's words trail off as she notices Scott's socks were on and shoes close by. A wave of consern rolls over her as she glances to Jason for a moment.*

"Hey...it looks like your getting around pretty good now with you socks on. Where were you heading to?"

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