

Scott flinches a little as Katie touches him, but knowing it was just her, he tries not to react. It was just so hard. Color comes to his face, proving that mixed with the fear was embarrassment for his display.

"Not ready, huh?" he mumbles. "Won't let me go alone? Does a lot for the ego, doesn't it."

Jason sets his hands on his hips, letting out a quiet sigh.

All we're doing is making him feel worse. I wish he could just be stronger right about now, at least until we could get through this bad spell. Maybe he needs a different reason to stay.

Ambling over to his friend, Jason squats down in front of him. "Scott, I haven't a doubt in my mind that if you really wanted to go home, that you could do it. It's not like you don't know the way. But you gotta listen to us. Rick aside, you being ready or not aside... If you're not in that infirmary tomorrow..."

Scott looks up quickly, hearing the implication in Jason's voice. "I don't work here anymore, do I?"

"I wouldn't say that," Jason counters evenly. "But at this stage of the game, we need you to stick around here. Otherwise, our efforts are for naught. The longer you stay, the better, because as long as we got Rick's medical advice to back it up, no one can force you out."

Scott drops his gaze. He felt unwanted anyway, just knowing that someone didn't want him here... most likely it was just Austin, by the way everyone else acted. But if Jason and Katie were working on something, and they wanted him to stay... then maybe he should do it for them.

"Alright." Scott shrugs lamely. "Doesn't look like I've got much of a choice."

"You do," Jason corrects. "But I know you want justice as much as we do, and if that's true, then we have to win this battle one way or another. Unfortunately, you're stuck in the middle. But I know you can handle it."

I hope he can... oh, do I hope he can.

Scott is silent for a moment, then finally picks himself up off the floor, refusing help. "Fine..." He scuffs his feet on the floor on his way back to the infirmary. "...But I'm going home... soon.... I'm going home."

Watching Scott go, Jason stands up, giving Katie a hand too.

Well... we won that battle. It was close though. I bet he feels like a trapped animal, and I know he's embarrassed that he can't function, even though he isn't even thinking straight. I just... I feel so bad.

He sighs. "Let's get looking for the cameras."

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