

*Looking at her friend Katie lets out a tired sigh. She wasnt upset with with Scott she only felt helpless and wished she could do more.*

"Scott, you always have a choise. Its just the people around you want to keep you safe and make sure you ok. If you want to go home your more than welcome too. But Jason or myself will follow to make sure your alright."

*Katie eyes are those of compation for her friend, a longing to help and keep him safe though she knows she can't always.

As long as we keep reasuring him I think he should be ok. We just have to be pashent, I know he can make it through he's strong.

Watching as Scott makes his way back to the infermary Katie looks down at Domino and gives the confused dog a small nod.*

"Go on Domino, keep him safe for me huh?"

*Giving a small smile Katie turns.

Ok, lets see would the camra hook up be in Dalton's office or Reese and Carter's office? We can eather split up or stay together. Unless you know right where they are since you know this place better than me.*

*Giving a ruffle to the small boys hair Damien smiles as BJ picks up the ball once more. Nothing gave him more joy than these few moments when he got to spend time with his son. Things in his life were going better and work seemed to be coming easier at the ranch not to far from the R/M. Gaining his own handle on life Damien was happy to be where he was here and now. Also thankful for the understanding, forgiveness, and acceptance of the others though it came slow.*

“Ok…throw is under hand this time. Don’t swing your arm to far back....”

*Damien makes a motion with his own arm as he stands a few feet away from BJ. For a moment he watches as BJ trys to mimic his movements but just can’t get it right sending the ball only a few steps away. Shaking his head Damien just smiles at his son and picks up the ball.*

“Here let me help you so you can get a feel for it.”

*BJ’s bright eyes look up at Damien as he drew closer to help. He’s seen this man on and off and though Rosetta and Mick had both explained to him who he was he still had a hard time understanding. To BJ, Mick was his father. Trying to comprehend anyways BJ enjoyed the time he spent with Damien and having someone to play with in the off season at the ranch was always a pulse.*

*Coming up behind BJ Damien hands him the ball and stands behind him. Reaching out he places his one hand on the boys shoulder and the other on his arm…*

“Here you throw is like this.”

*Bringing BJ’s arm back and than then forward Damien shows him the motion.*

“Ok now your try on your own.”

*Doing exactly how Damien showed him BJ brings his arm back and than forward letting the ball go. Seeing the ball go flying a bit forward farther than he had before a squeal of excitement comes from him turning to look up at Damien his eyes lit up with excitement.*

“I did it, I did it.”

*A smile spreads across Damien’s face at BJ’s excitement a tingly of joy serging through his heart that he was able to teach his son something.*

“You did buddy. You’re a pretty fast learner.”

*Turning again BJ breaks out in a small run as he head to the house before stopping and turning back around.*

“I’m going to show Mom and Dad what you taught me. They will be happy to, maybe now I can go with Dad when he rounds up horses.”

*Turning again BJ finishes making his way to the house.*

*Watching BJ run to the house and hearing his words a sudden pain hits home for Damien. It was something he new was bound to happen but it hit harder than he had expected to hear his son call someone else dad. Trying to let the feeling fade Damien new this was best. BJ was in a good home with a loving family and he didn’t have to worry if his son was being taken care of or not. Mick and Rosetta were good for BJ, and he could see him when he wanted. Not many people were able to say the same but at least God gave him that much.

Turning Damien lets out a small sigh and turns to head back to his truck. His time spend here was nice like always and having a few hours with BJ was good. Though it got Damien down at time he tried to keep his head high and know everything was for the best.*

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