

There are moments in life that impact us with such a delicate force that we wish it never to end. And though it does end, for time is in control, the moment is burned into our minds and hearts to not only be remembered, but cherished forever. Sometimes these moments are but of enjoyment and bliss...other times they are accompanied with realizations that are so strong we fear the very thought of it.

Kyle's fingers gently cradle the back of Misty's head, his other hand remaining locked with hers, the softness of her touch a contrast to his rough palm. Absorbed in the moment, he can sense Misty's willingness let it last. The passion of his kiss increases, proving what was in his heart the only way he knew how, as the exchange deepens. The only witnesses were the sky and the water below, sparkling in the sun...

Drawing away feels like letting go of a precious gift, and Kyle rests his forehead on Misty's once again, this time his eyes open to search her own. He knew he enjoyed this experience, and could tell that she did too. But what did it mean? What would happen now?

Getting this close to her had been unintentional. His gut reaction is to pull away and apologize. But his arms don't want to cooperate as he remains with her. He looks into those eyes...searching...seeking for the answers to his questions. He had stepped over a line he had drawn himself a long time ago, and now on the other side, he had no idea what to do. This wasn't supposed to happen this way...this relationship wasn't supposed to evolve like this... But it had...and once tasted, he didn't want to let it go.

So much confusion lies behind his eyes as he finally sits up straighter, moving his hand to tuck Misty's hair behind her ear. But he allows a quirky smile to mask it, a new twinkle coming to his gaze. One who knew Kyle would recognize the silly remark that was dying to come out, but this time he couldn't. All he could do was grin, while deep down, he only hoped that this had not been a mistake.

Letting out a contented sigh, Kyle eventually sits back against the adjoining rock, pulling Misty next to him, his arm around her shoulders as they sit in perfect view of the lake. He didn't know what she was thinking...what she was feeling...but though he could not speak, he knew she would when she wanted to.

Dani's shoulders drop as she reads her email. She'd heard from Angelica a while back, giving her at least a start in the right direction to find Carson. Since then she'd had a little more luck in tracing him, finding out bits and pieces. But now...now she had the whole story in front of her.

She'd been able to find Mike Reese's contact information through TJY and had inquired about what had happened with Carson, explaining who she was and why she was asking. His response informed her of how Carson had not gone to jail, though had lost his job over the illegal fighting. After that, he had job hopped, though had resided at the same apartment.

That part hurt the most, knowing that Dani had sent letters to the right address, and had heard nothing. Apparently Carson had gone through several jobs, finally landing at a little restaurant. Reese had explained that he wasn't a hundred percent sure about what had happened after that, but from what he had heard through his son, Carson had cheated on Misty, broken up with her, moved in with someone else and had gotten involved in some kind of gambling. The very latest Reese had heard though, was that something had gone sour, Carson left that group of people, lost his place to live, and just a couple days ago had totaled his car in an accident. Though fine, apparently he was finding a place to stay at the restaurant where he worked.

Dani leans back in her couch, closing her laptop. Carson was alive...though maybe not well by the sounds of things, he sounded perfectly capable of contacting her. Why had he not?

A tear rolls down the side of her face. Her reunion with her brother had been a shock, but had been so good...she had missed him so very much. And he had promised her that he would be in touch from then on. He'd promised to contact her. She'd seen sincerity in his eyes and had truly believed that he really would be in contact with her. But he hadn't...and all she could think now, was that his emotions had been less than genuine. Perhaps his story had been true, but maybe his hugs and reassurance hadn't really been from his heart...maybe it had just been more of a job to him.

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