
A call

"I dont think he's handsome...I think he's hott."

Once the words are out of her mouth Bree's eyes seem to widen a little as her face turns red looking down into her coffee again for a moment.

"I mean...year He's handsome."

Looking up at her Uncle again a small smile forms on her face. Hearing that Gunner might get butterflys in his stomach too made her feel good. She wasnt the only one who felt like this.

"I think...he was going to kiss me two times now too. But...he didn't."

Drawing quiet again Bree thinks about the next topic that was on her mind. Her mother, had called and it really shook her up. Changing topics not really knowing what else to say about Gunner Bree's eyes hold a new look in them.

"I got a call from Mother today. She got my voice mail, but I don't know how she got my number. I hope she dosnt find me here Uncle JT!"

Thinking for a moment Karla gives a small smile. She really wasnt doing anything other than her normal run, not to mention her stomach did give a growl at the mention of food.

"Well, as long as I can bring Rin with me I'll join you. As long as your family dosnt mind a stranger and her dog."

Giving a chuckle and standing streching a little Karla gives a little laugh.

"As for the creep...you dont look very creepy to me, and like I said as long as Rin is with me I have nothing to worry about."

Patting her side Rin lifts his head from Kip's lap and goes to his masters side as commended. No leash was needed as the dog was very well behaved and was trained to listen to Karla to a T.

"Lead the way and I'll follow."

Continuing to keep his arms around Jade Dan looks up at Sparky's voice. It didnt really startle him but he jumped anyways. A small smile formed on Dan's lips thankful for his watchful eye. He didnt want to let go of Jade, fearing it just might be the last time he ever held her. But he new to keep everyone out of trouble he had to.

Pulling away from Jade, Dan places his finger under her chin gently.

"It's going to be ok. Just play it cool around you dad for a few days see what happens. Maybe we can see each other tonight are chores."

Giving Jade's hand a squeeze and a nod Dan slips out of the stall stopping in front of Sparky.

"Thank you!"

Going down a few stall and finding a pitch fork Dan starts to clean the stall out and place need bedding inside, finishing up his barn work.

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