
Look alive

JT leans back in his chair, cradling his coffee mug with his hands as he listens. Now things were making a little more sense. He'd been right about Gunner not dealing with things well. And though he trusted Bree from the get-go, it was still a bit of a relief to hear the whole story after her original question.

A small smile forms on his lips as he looks at his niece. She was a grown woman with little to no experiences in this area of life. His smile wasn't because he found it humorous, but because he was proud of her, and loved her innocence.

"I'm glad you went to see him - that was very kind and I'm sure that you're doing him a lot of good by spending time with him."

JT nods, contemplating what his next words should be. Was Bree just having a simple crush? Was it more? Who was he to say?

"I... think I know what you're feeling, Bree." His smile remains. "I've had similar feelings a a few times in my life, but not for a long time."

Leaning forward again, he sets his mug aside. "I don't know if you and Gunner are more than friends, but... I think you might want to be. I think that's why you get those butterflies in your tummy. Maybe you think he's handsome?"

He cocks his head, searching Bree's face for more and he throws her a wink. "There's absolutely nothing wrong with you, if that's what you're thinking. You just gotta... go with the flow. See what happens. He might get butterflies in his tummy too when he sees you."

JT's smile is a gentle one. "Just keep being Bree and you can't go wrong."

"Yeah... yeah, I live a couple miles that way." Kip points down the street, only now realizing just how far he'd run. "Didn't grow up there though. It's kind of my adoptive family, you could say."

His hand continues to run through Rin's fur. "You busy?"

He had no idea why he'd just asked that, and he felt a little silly. This really wasn't normal for him. "I mean... I don't know... come see the house... get some breakfast?" He cringes a little. "I promise I'm not a creep."

"I won't choose," Jade mumbles stubbornly into Dan's chest. "He can't make me."

Just feeling his arms close around her offered the shelter she'd been looking for. It was a different kind... different from her father... different from other arms she'd had around her. It was... strong... warm... nice. His kiss to her head just makes her lean on him a little more, not wanting to let go.

"Look alive."

Jade jumps, her face turning up at the sound of her uncle's voice.

Sparky was standing casually at the stall door, his back to them as he paused his sweeping in the aisle. He didn't turn around. "Your father's headed this way from the house... figured you'd want to know."

Jade swallows hard and looks up at Dan. "I don't know what to do."

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