
He doesn't

Kip can't help a chuckle at Karla's remark about giving him attention. "I guess you are at that."

Without much more time for conversation, he's suddenly disrupted by the enthusiastic dog. Not afraid in the least, he lets Rin burrow under his arm and looks down at him with a grin. "Well hello, Rin." He scratches the dog's fuzzy head, his smile becoming warmer as for a moment, the animal seemed to have pushed aside his worries. "Don't worry, I won't try to harm your mistress. She's too nice."

Still petting Rin, Kip gives a little sigh. "I had a dog once for about a year. Then I got home from school one day and my dad had sent him to the pound. Never had the heart to get another one after that."

Glancing up to Karla, curiosity finally takes over. "You must live around here?"

JT chokes on his coffee, spilling some down the front of his shirt. Setting his mug down quickly, he grabs a napkin to wipe up his mess. Looking at Bree, he just blinks, his mouth partway open. Surely there was a good explanation for her question. She had better judgment than most other people he knew. It just... seemed a bit bizarre even for her.

"Um... well, um... that... that alone doesn't mean anything, but... maybe if you... tell me why on earth you saw him without a shirt, I could try to answer your question."

He looks at Bree, his eyes still a little wide, breakfast forgotten for the moment.

Looking up quickly, Jade's face is streaked with tears, her hair a bit of a mess and her eyes red. But she doesn't try to hide it. She was too upset to care. And here was Dan again, ready and willing to see if she was okay... the same man that her father didn't want her being with.

Not caring right now though, all she needed was comfort - comfort she wasn't finding anywhere else.

Standing up, she throws her arms around Dan and buries her face in his chest, letting the sobs continue. Her fingers clutch at his shirt, clinging for something, anything to show her it was going to be okay.

She chokes out the words she knew she needed to say. "He doesn't want me around you." Her shoulders shake as she cries. "I don't think he really wants me here at all."

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