

Giving another chuckle Karla looks around her at all the big houses. They cost an arm and a leg and she new it to live in one of these.

"One of these big fancy houses, I only wished I lived in one of these."

Looking down at the ground for a moment before looking up at Kip again Karl just thinks. She wasnt embarrassed about where she lived but she wasn't proud ether. But it was all she could aford right now.

"I live easy of here in a pretty rough neighborhood. Its really all I can pay for right now. I just come here to run because its a lot safer. Same time everyday there is where you can find me. Do you live here in one of theses nice houses?"

Still not even realizing what she had said and hour it must have sounded to JT Bree looks down at her food thinking for a long moment before looking up again.

"Well, lastnight Gunner called me. He didnt sounded good at all and was really out of it. So I hurryed over as soon as I could..."

Bree points to her Pjs signaling she hadn't bother to change because she had been worried.

"..come to find out he's not doing so well getting use to being at home alone again. So he asked me to stay the night and I did. We sat on the couch together and he was leaning on me. I read a little bit of a book to him we both fell asleep."

Finally looking down at her breakfest and taking a small bite Bree is quiet while she chews and than swallows.

"He took a shower this morning, I guess forgot I was in the room and there he was shirtless."

Stoping again a sparkle forms in Bree eyes as she thinks back to this morning. Color coming to her face again.

"I feel so strange when I am around him. Not bad, it feels good I think. Its like my tummy has butterflys in it and I feel like I am going to explode and my face gets really hot. I just...never felt that around a guy before."

Suprised as Jade puts her arms around him Dan just stands there for a moment almost frozen. But not taking long he softens feeling her tears through his shirt and knowing she needed comfort.

Bringing his arms up Dan gently wraps them around Jade drawing closer to him as her offered what he could to bring her comfort.

Hearing Jade's words feel like a dagger to Dan's heart. He'd been through this before and it was happening again. But why? Why didnt Mick like him? He hadnt done anything to him, or even give him a reason not to trust him. Dan couldnt help the tiny silver of anger the boiled inside of him. Gentily rubbing Jade's back Dan didnt know what to do now. He'd found a friend, and now he was losing his friend.

"Its going to be ok Jade. Maybe if we just play things cool he will understand and let us do things together again. "

Swallowing hard it was tough for Dan, to see this and it reminded him of the past. He remember how much Becca had cryed losing her own family.

"I could never ask you to choose our friendship over your family Jade. Your Dad does love you."

Just holding Jade for a long moment Dan leans his head down to Jade's getting a whif of her shampoo sent chills up his spin as her closed his own eyes tight trying to block out his emotions. Continuing to hold Jade for a long moment, and placing a soft kiss to the top of her head.

"Its going to work out."

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