

Giving a chuckle and a shake of her head Bree lets her mouth form a grin.

"I'm not scarred but accidents do happen and things are going so well thats all I would need."

Reaching down to pick up a few things that she had braught up tonight Bree looks up and quirks and eyebrow at Gunner going back over to him and leaning her elbows on the ledge herself.

"Worry about you? You the only friend I got and care to have, I think a little worry is ok."

Poking his head out of his bedroom BJ stops and listens for sounds. Hearing nothing his little feet pad across the floor going for the refrigerator. Pulling out one of the water bottles and taking a sip BJ puts it back and starts to head back to his room. Though stoping he feels something was wrong or differnt.

Going to the couch and seeing Mick a confused look was on his face but no words were spoke. He had heard the fight earlyer and though he didnt know everything he new Rosetta was mad at him.

Heading to his room BJ pulls a blanket from his bed and makes his way back to the couch. Crawling up onto the couch BJ finds room behind Mick's legs and curls in resting his head on his thigh and pulling the blanket over them both. Squeezing Mick's leg BJ whispers.

"I love you Daddy."

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