

Yeah... we can grab a late lunch too.

Jason sits up and slowly stands, stretching. He was worn out. Keep moving... keep moving.

Be ready for me to pick you up and...

Thunder rumbles again.

Wear something you don't mind getting wet.

Carson shakes his head wearily at Misty. "No... but thanks. I'll just keep working."

Pulling her down, he finds her lips with his own to give her a kiss. "I'll see you in a little bit, okay?"

Waiting until Misty is gone, he looks at the clock. Scott's hearing was starting. Was he too late? He looks again the the computer and once again, his fingers press the keys automatically, his eyes not moving from the screen. He blinks. His eyes start to droop and he shakes his head to keep himself awake, taking another sip of coffee. Focusing on the screen again he sighs and tries one more time. He wasn't the computer expert, but he knew where the files was. If he could just get to it.

Suddenly a new file comes open. He straightens in his seat. Had he made it? He had. New energy surges through him as he clicks through the information as quickly as possible. He knew this was a risk, and if Reese knew, he'd have his hide. But it was for Scott... he'd promised.

Johnson30A_Results > Assimilation > Failure

Carson's eyes widen. Failure? But... He doesn't bother figure it out now. Moving quickly, he copies over the whole file and disconnects. Most likely someone from the Agency would realize someone had hacked them, but hopefully they wouldn't know who and wouldn't know what was taken. He'd performed the task as securely as possible.

Once settled with the new information, Carson begins to read. There was a log for each day of Scott's assimilation. At last. They would know what happened.
Week 1 - 30A tested for assimilation intelligence. Results = positive. 30A refuses to talk. Pressure techniques applied. 30A becomes agreeable.

So that was the torture he endured to start with. Apparently Scott had caved within the week.

Week 2 - Questioning continues. 30A provides information.

Carson quirks an eyebrow. Scott had given information? About TJY? He'd said he'd resisted, so... what had been leaked? He keeps reading.

Week 3 - Questioning ceased. Assimilation begins.

And there was when they started the brainwashing. At that point, they probably kept Scott in a cell but weren't abusive.

Week 4 - Testing continues. Data transfers nearing completion. 30A compliant and responding to techniques.

Carson nods as he reads. That would be when Scott received all of his information... all of the data that he now carried. Throughout the program, brainwashing would have continued.

Week 5 - Assimilation terminated. Results: failure.

There... now what happened that had terminated Scott's advancement?

Assimilation failure report: 30A unresponsive, following assimilation program. Reasoning: Unknown. Data could not be retrieved. Force applied.
30A violent. Mental state: unstable.
Further testing results: multiple failures.
Final Assimilation Result: 30A retains no data. Reasoning: Unknown.
Medical examination results: Pressure of assimilation too much to handle. 30A too weak for the program.
Program terminated. 30A held prisoner.

Carson sits back in his seat, still confused, and trying to live out the scene. Scott had caved. They had put him in the program. All had gone well until the end. They couldn't retrieve the information and concluded that he had not retained any of it, being too weak to handle it. Carson knew of past cases where victims had died from the strain. But Scott had survived... yet had retained nothing - according to the Agency.

Carson could then imagine what had happened next... after being a complete waste of time, no wonder Scott was beaten and tortured. They probably then continued to try and squeeze even more information about the Elite out of him, which would include all of the physical brutality and then ending with simply leaving him for dead after they concluded he was of no more use to them.

But... Scott insisted that he didn't give the Agency any information. And on top of that, he had retained the assimilation data. He had proven it himself, here. So what had happened? He went through the entire program without a hitch, but in the end, they couldn't get any information from him... it just didn't seem right...

Then it hits him. Carson's eyes widen. "No way."

“We’re here to decide the fate of Mr. Scott Johnson.” Judge Barkley leans forward, resting his elbows on the long, shiny table. “Mr. Johnson? Do you have anything to say before we proceed?”

Scott looks up, and shakes his head slowly. He catches Hope’s eye, the looks back to the judge. “No. I myself don’t know if I’m a threat or not so… if it’s decided that I am, then… then I guess I need to be placed somewhere that I can't jeopardize the Elite or anybody else by informing the Agency.”

Barkley purses his lips in thought. “You’re a strong man, Johnson.”

“No.” Scott shakes his head again, his voice quiet. “If I was… I don’t think I’d be here.”

There is quiet for a moment before Barkley gestures to Reese and Brown. “You may state your case.”

Brown takes the lead, having already discussed it with Reese in private. “Your honor, we believe that Scott is innocent of any intentional sabotage. We believe his motives coincide with the law enforcement of the Elite, not against it. Therefore, we do not wish that he be placed in forced confinement. If it is true that he was indeed involved with the assimilation program at the Agency, then any activity would not necessarily be of his will, and therefore, it is our opinion that he remains innocent, as such. We do not believe that the state of Nevada would want to convict an innocent man.”

Barkley nods. “Go on.”

“After careful consideration, the board to oversee the Elite, which includes myself, has decided that it would be best to remove Scott from the Elite.”

“You mean terminate his job.”

“Yes, your honor.”

Scott’s shoulders drop. He can’t look up at Hope. His hands in his lap, he swallows hard, fighting his emotions. TJY had been his life… and now… it was gone and he didn’t even really understand why.

Brown continues. “It is the board’s opinion that having Scott distanced from the Elite will save the department from any unintentional sabotage, also relieving Scott from that concern.”

“Do you have an argument?” Barkley asks Scott.

Scott simply shakes his head. No. If it was best for the Elite, then it had to be done. Gunner lays a hand on his shoulder.

“Then…” Barkley sighs deeply. “I hereby terminate Mr. Johnson’s rank and position in the Elite and-”

“Stop!” The door bursts open, startling everyone present. Carson is breathing heavily after battling past two police officers to get in and his clothes and hair are a bit messy. He glances to Hope, then to the judge. Several papers were clutched tightly in his hand. “Scott’s innocent.”

A call to Angel... the gathering of a few... someone takes Chase for a while... circumstances are a blur. Jim finds Clint... hearts break as rain pours down over the ranch. Nothing seems right. Nothing seems good. And by noon, Beck and Jim are looking over Chase for a while, leaving Clint and Wendy alone together to make it through the day.

Clint sits quietly in a chair beside the bed, bent forward, his elbows on his knees. His eyes remain dry, while his heart has never felt heavier. Whats worse is knowing the pain that Wendy is going through. And he doesn't even know how to comfort her. Little had been said between them today. He had held her... she had cried. He had tried to tell her it was going to be okay, but it was a feeble attempt to fix something that couldn't be fixed. He blamed himself. He didn't know how to cope. He was surrounded by family, friends, his wife, and yet a part of him felt alone.

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