
He'll be ok

*As the guys stand Back Misty gets to work. Check Carson paulse again Misty talks to Wyatt.*

"Wyatt I need to you hold Carson other arm and legs. I need to clean our the wounds and its not gonna feel good for him. I dont want him coming contus and moving about."

*After Misty makes sure Wyatt is in place Misty dumps paroxside onto the cuts than puting iodine on them as well. Puting pressue on the cuts. Checking the wounds to see if they stoped bleeding. Finally Misty wraps Carson's wrists tightly in gause. Than goes to the capnet and sets up an iv for fluid in Carson's arm. Finally finished and making sure Carson is resting comfortly Misty just looks down at him for a moment. What had cause him to do this? What if Ty hadent been there at the right time? Carson could be long gone. Someone had a hand in watching over Carson. He had a purpis. An angel was watching over him. Misty studys Carson's sleeping face for a moment longer. Looking down at her closes they are stained with Carson's blood. Turning back to Wyatt and Ty she says.*

"Can you guys watch him fast for me I need to change my cloths."

*Heading out of the doc office Misty enters the bathroom with her backpack looking into the mirror she cant help but feel a sick feeling well inside of her. Leaning over the tolit Misty gets sick. Finally when she is finished she turns the shower on and gets in washing the blood off of her. A new pain inside of her. Why had Carson done it? She did still care about Carson. She couldent be mad at him any longer. She still did care.

Geting out of the shower Misty drys herself off and throws her wet hair up on top of her head. Pulling on a black tank top and tan color pare of shorts. sliping her flipflops on she exits the bathroom and toss her old clothing into a trashcan nearby. The blood would never come out there was no point in trying. Entering the room again she nods at Wyatt and Ty.*

"Thank you guys for the help. I couldent have done it alot. Are you both gonna be ok?"

*Mable waves to Jason and Katie as they enter the restront. Last time she saw Katie she was with another boy and something just dident seem right. But now that she was siting with Jason Everything seemed perfect. Leaning over to her Mable says.*

"Now thats the way it was ment to be."

*Standing up and smiling Mable starts to prepair a milkshake for Katie and a soda for Jason.*

*Katie smiles across the table at Jason it was good to be out and about and know she dident need to go back to the hospetal right away.*

"mmmm...I think I could go for a hamburger and some frys. Nice and greasy. What are you gonna have? Oh do you think you could help me move some of my stuff from my old room to the new one? I dont think I can do stairs to well yet."

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