

Reese holds up his hand to calm Nate down for Misty’s sake. “Carson is gone.”

Before he can say more, Jason shows up. “Alright, what’s all this now?”

Reese shakes his head and leans back against his desk, folding his arms across his chest. “Carson was too slick for his own good. Stepped out with Misty and slipped radar down at the gas station at the edge of town. I’m concerned he’s going straight for the Agency, but we don’t even know where that is. If he makes it, we’re all in trouble. We need to find him and find him fast. I’d like to get him back here alive…” He lets his “but if” statement go unsaid. “Nate, Jason, I want you to head out together. I’d feel better if you didn’t split up. Start with the gas station and go from there. Report back when you can.”

Having their orders, Jason follows Nate out, knowing they’ll be taking Nate’s car.

The night is long. The only thing found at the gas station is one footprint, and Misty’s pack of cigarettes about a block away. Gaining the fact that Carson had immediately taken off east, Jason and Nate track in that direction, but find little. At a truck stop, there are many who have picked up hitch hikers, no one seeming to remember seeing anyone with Carson’s description.

By the time the sun begins to rise, hope is fading.

“…it’s like he just vanished into thin air.” Jason rubs his eyes wearily and leans back in the break room chair before taking a swig of orange juice. “We looked all night and came up empty handed. He’s good…real good.” His tone grows grim. “We’re dead meat if we don’t find him.”

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