

Carson doesn’t even look at Nate. His pale face held eyes that had no life. He works his jaw muscles in retaliation, but says nothing. Misty had come after him? He couldn’t remember. That was interesting. Some sort of feeling tries to surface, but he snuffs it out quickly. He felt guilty enough the way it was. He didn’t need anything more piling on top. Yesterday had been a nightmare and he was tired of feeling. And now he was back here…a place that evoked what he didn’t want to feel. A place that made him realize mistakes and wrong doings that evoked guilt he’d never experienced before. He was back here, wallowing in misery. He hadn’t wanted to come back here… he really was a coward.

Jason looks at him, waiting…waiting. Nothing. He turns to Nate with question. Carson wasn’t even retorting anymore. What were they going to do?

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