
The Call

*Misty eyes stayed glued to the ground her heart still acking even though her Uncles words were trying to bring comfort.*

"No, he dident hurt me. I'm ok, just upset with myself. I just I dont know I guess I put to much trust in him. I'm sorry Uncle Reese. I know better now and will listen to you more.If it helps any we stoped at the small gas station down the road and he jumped out the back window."

*Katie opens her eyes as Jason touches her arm.*

"Huh..what? Carson...oh great. Ya call me when you know more Hun. Be safe."

*Katie closes her eyes again and drifts back off to sleep.*

*Nate reaches for the phone hearing Reese's voice he snaps up from bed.*

"Huh...what...Ya I'll be right in."

*Jumping out of bed Nate grabs some clean cloths and dials another number on his phone reaching Rick and Janets phone.*

"Hi Janet its Nate. Sorry I am calling so late. I just got called into the office Reese dident say about what but it sounded important. I'm sorry Can you check on Maggie for me even though its the weekend and let her know I will be home as soon as I can to spend time with her. I'll try and call her alittle later to explain things to her. Any problems call me at the office. Thx Janet you a gem."

*Nate hangs up the phone and grabs his keys heading out to the car. Its only takes him a few minutes to get from his house to TJY as its late and not many cars are out so he can push the speed limit. Once on the bottom floor he heads across the floor and to Reese's office entering. Seeing Misty siting in the chair with the look of lifelessness on her face a wave of worry flashing though him. Turning his attachen back to Reese.*

"What happend? Whats going on?"

*Misty sits slumped in Reese office. So much was running though her she dident know where to start. So many feelings coming back at once. The present felt like the past all over again. How could she let this happen. On the inside Misty was beating herself up, screaming, wanting to cry more but not being able to.*

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