

Jason makes his way slowly out of TJY, physically and mentally exhausted. He makes it back to the hospital on his motorcycle, and wearily goes inside, making the familiar trek to Katie’s room.

He enters quietly, quirking a smile for her. “Hey, Hero.” He hasn’t been back since the night before, and can’t help that he’s happy to see her. Making his way to her bedside, he sinks down into a chair, and leans forward, his head near Katie, resting on his folded arms, his tired eyes drifting shut. “We got Carson…don’t have answers yet though…gonna have to find out tomorrow…” He mumbles a few more things, but just can’t stay awake, despite his desire to stay up and talk with Katie.

Morning comes sooner than desired and Jason finds himself in the spare bed. He doesn’t even remember how he got there, he’d been so tired the evening before. Glancing at the clock, he groans and covers his head with a pillow. “Do I really have to get up yet?” Yawning, he forces himself out of bed to shuffle to his bag then to the bathroom to get dressed.

Feeling better a few minutes later, he comes out showered and changed, throwing Katie a smile. “Well, I’m off….again…hold down the fort. If I can, I’ll be back for lunch…going out sounds like an awful lot of fun… if I’m not back, blame Carson.”

Carson squints in the dim light, taking several moments to just figure out where on earth he is. He was lying down…he was in a room…he still had his clothes and shoes on…what…. Sitting up, he winces and puts a hand to his throbbing head and swears under his breath. A wave of dizziness is next, sending him to lean back against the wall with a groan. “Stupid,” he mutters. How had he ended up back here anyway? Everything was so foggy…what had happened…what time was it….who had found him…or… He squints as he rubs his forehead, hitting the gash he’d received the night before. Wincing again, he sort of remembers hitting his head on something….had there been a fight?

Sighing, he closes his eyes again. He felt like he could sleep for a week. Thinking of breakfast just made him nauseous.

TJY is bustling with activity when Jason gets there, and he chugs down a bottle of orange juice as he makes his way to his office, dumping his jacket and bike helmet, checking his email, then heading out again. He almost runs into Nate in the hall. “Oh, hey. I was just coming to look for you. I’m ready to go see if our idiot is ready to talk about yesterday.”

Following Nate, they pass Rick’s office, and Jason throws a glance inside, seeing Misty. At least she’d come back…after last night, he wasn’t so sure she’d want to show her face here again…but he was glad she did. He’d made plenty of blunders himself, and it had always been worth it to come back.

Getting to Carson’s cell, Jason waves Nate first.

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