

Reese just stares at his nice, unable to believe what has happened. “What…you…how….” Seeing her tears, he moves to her, and puts his arms around her, worry for Misty hitting him first and most importantly. “He didn’t hurt you did he? Are you okay?”

He sighs deeply and moves her to a chair, going for his phone. “I don’t think you need much of a scolding right now, Misty, but…in the future…maybe you’ll think twice when we say someone is bad news.” He dials quickly and waits.

Jason’s phone goes off, throwing him into the shock of alertness, having been deep in sleep. Rolling out of bed, he stubs his toe on a chair and winces, stumbling forward to fish his phone out of his bag. He had a specific ringtone set, and knew this was Reese. What on earth… It was late… “Yeah?” He rubs his tired yes.

Reese answers him grimly. “Carson’s gone. I need you and Nate on this right now while the trail is still hot.”


“Now, Jason. This isn’t a joke. We have to get him back. He knows too much.”

Jason starts to wake up even more, realizing the urgency of the situation. He knew no details, but if Carson went to the Agency, or even the police, TJY was done for. “I’m on my way.” Hanging up, he grabs a clean pair of jeans and changes in the dark. He moves to Katie’s bedside, laying a hand on her arm. “I gotta go. Carson’s gone. I’ll call you when I know more.”

Wasting no time, Jason makes his way to TJY.

Reese keeps a wary eye on his niece as he dials another number. “Nate? Get to the office right now.”

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