
Tryed to help

*As Carson lets go of Misty she stumbles forwards a few steps turning around to a fight starting. Groaning to herself Misty trys to break it up but decieds its best she just stay out of the way Ty look like for the moment he was doing fine.

As Ty tells Misty to get out while she can she shakes her head.*

"I got you into this I cant just leave you here."

*Misty watches in horrar as Ty goes down on top of Carson. She felt more sorry for Ty right now than she did Carson. As Ty gets a hold of Carson after the uppercut Misty follows Ty as they head for the door.*

*Nate gets out of the car with Jason heading into the bar. Seeing the fight Misty, Ty, and Carson in the middle. Nate lets out a groan.*

"I dont believe this."

*Nate pushes a few people away from Nate and Misty. As another guy comes rams into Misty sending her bumping the already loopy Carson Nate turns and punches the guy in the face. Taking Carson by the collar he roughly pull him out and heads for the door.

Misty helps Ty out of the bar once outside as the air hits Misty her tummy become even more queezy.*

"I'm sorry, I was trying to help out. I made this mess with Carson I was trying to fix it."

*Nate shoots a glance at Misty as he shoves Carson into the car. He is alittle less than happy.*

"Well next time dont. You dont know what your doing. We have rules for a reson around here so people dont get hurt. Carson is dangerous, there are many times you could of really been hurt. When you have a moment if Jamie ever comes back to the office after being scaired out of her mind take a good look at her and see what Carson let happend, Go talk with Katie sometime and see what the Agency did to her. This isent a game this is real and your lucky you dident get hurt."

*Nate turns to Ty grufly stating.*

"Ride back with Misty."

*Misty gets into her car and starts it up following Nate and Jason back to TJY. She glances over at Ty for a bref moment.*

"Sorry I got you into this mess."

*Misty keeps her eyes on the road the rest of the way back to TJY. So many things in her mind. She just wanted to make right the wrong she did and it backfired again.*

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