
Frankie Andrew Miller

*As Katie picks up the airplane and reads the note a smile cross her face. It was fun how Scott and herself contacted eachother sometimes. It made her feel like a kid again in little ways. Puting the note down Katie slowly stands peeking over the cubicle wall so only the top of her head, and eyes were showing. Looking over the wall to Scott's own cubicle she see him and her smiles grows. Giving her head alittle nod to let him She'd be there. Katie sits back down and continues her work the smile never leaving.*

*Misty turns her head and looks at Carson. Giving alittle shake.*

"No I really dont, but I guess I should before Rick had a heart attack. Other than the hangover are you feeling any better?"

*Misty studys Carson's face. She could tell there was still a bit of pain there but not nearly as much as before.

Finally Misty gets enough strength to stay again making her way to Carson's phone and calling Wyatt leting him know everything was ok. Also leting him know he would come and pick her up in a half hour or so. Once done Misty goes back into the bathroom and gathers up her bloodyshirt and cleans the mess she made last night than rejoins Carson in the livingroom.*

"I hope you dont mind I barrowed on of your shirts. Once I wash it I'll give it back to you. Unless...."

*Misty gets a grin on her face as she talks*

"...you dont want me to wash it and tan you can have my germs on your shirt."

*Aerith lets out a breath staying silent for a moment. Collecting her thoughts and trying to let the bit of anger surfacing die out.*

"That was Frank Andrew Miller. I guess you could call him a stalker and than again I guess not. He's a...intresting guy. No I wouldent call it that I just dont know how alse to put it. He worked for my step father along time ago before he and me mom ever got together. Frankie would watch people, his nickname around my step dad's office was "The Watcher." When ever he had a case he'd call Frankie in and having dig up information, watch the person, see what they were doing."

*Misty stops for a moment collecting her thoughts and searching Jason's face.*

"Anyways...Frankie was pretty well off. I guess doing stuff like that you make good money. He dident work for just my step dad. He worked for anyone who payed good dident matter if they were good or bad.

So after my mom got married and we moved to New York I went into my step dad's office now and than helping with paper work and what not. Earning my keep I guess. A few times I was there I saw Frankie I dont think I was much more than 18 at the time. Frankie took an intest in me, and well He had money and thats all my family cared about. I on the other hand dident want anything to do with him. He was 15 years older than I was, and just not a good person. My family including my grandmother tryed to get us married. I told him over and over again it wasent going to happen but as you could see no one listened. Fianlly Frankie got caught doing some illigal acts and was sent to prison. I'm not sure how long he was there or when he got out. I lost contact with him, I moved, and just hoped I'd never see him again. I wasent running away per say I was just trying to get away. I dont trust him much more than I can throw him. I think the only good things that came from knowing Frankie was geting to know his sister. She was pretty messed up herself, but she was always nice to me."

*Aerith lets out a long sigh."

"I just cant believe my grandmother actully told him I was here. He said he would be back, there is no doubt in my mind he will find a way to actully show up again. "

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