

Jason remains tense until Frankie starts to back away. Finally seeing him ride away, Jason's hands relax and he turns around to see Aerith sinking into the booth.

Sitting across from her, he resumes eating, even though he isn't quiet as hungry now. "Don't thank me," he directs. "I'm just glad he's gone." He looks at her, studying her face for several moments. She hadn't been terrified, but this little episode had shaken her up just a little.

Jason didn't want to pry, but he felt he knew Aerith just well enough to ask. "So...who is he anyway? What's he want with you, other than the obvious?"

Carson squints up at Misty from the couch, mustering up something close to a wry grin. "I didn't wake you because you were asleep. I don't like disturbing sleeping beauties, you know."

He gestures to the coffee table where an empty glass is, in reference to her suggestion. "Been there, done that. When Carson Banks does something, he goes all out, whether it's taking on an adversary or having a hangover."

He curls his legs up further on the couch to give Misty more room. His mind was getting clearer, despite the pain that lingered, and he might attempt going to work for a couple hours were it not for his headache or the fact that he wasn't sure how he was going to face everyone back at TJY again. He really had made a fool of himself and felt like a total idiot. Getting chewed out was bound to come eventually. But one thing he did realize...that since actually talking with Misty this morning, the overwhelming feelings he'd had seemed to be lighter.

Giving Misty a slight nudge with his bare foot, he looks to the nearby telephone. "Want to call someone to come get you?"

Scott is nowhere to be found. But after Katie returns to her desk from the break room, suddenly a paper airplane comes flying over her cubicle wall, crashing into a filing cabinet.
Unfolded, it reveals Scott's handwriting.
Tonight's todo consists of a chinese dinner out, then going and admiring the sunset from Newman's Point.

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