
Go or Stay

*Katie squels with delight at Scott accepting. coming around the wall Katie gives Scott a big hug.*

"You'll have a blast everyone will I just know it. Thank yuo Scott for saying you will come with me. It going to be an honner to introduce you to my family. I better get ready...I'll see you later."

*Without even hesatating Katie gives Scott a big kiss than turns to leave making her way back to her desk. Her mind racing with excitment. It had almost been a year since she was home it would be nice and the fun they were going to have it was going to be a blast.*

*Jamie finishs reading her email a smile forming on her face. How fun it would be to go back to the ranch with joy this time and not the the sad feeling looming. When she had been there the first time it seemed like a place full of joy and happyness. It would be nice to go have fun this time around. Jamie wondered for a moment if Con got the email as well. As if someone was reading her mind Jamie's phone rings.*


*Hearing Con's voice Jamie's smile grows. He did get the email and he did want to go.*

"I just got done reading it. I think Texas sounds like a wonderful idea. I'd love to go with you Con. As long as you can deal with my snooring on the plane."

*Jamie giggles and chats a bit more with Con on differnt things going on, and Texas about geting ready. Finally hanging up with Con Jamie finishs up her work before heading out for the night. Feeling Edd, and taking a shower Jamie packs a light bag before heading out.*

*Nate opens his email and reads the note from Scott. A trip to the ranch that sounded fun. He's been there once before but only on the outskirts. The ranch had seemed like a nice quiet comforting place. Nate thought for a moment about going. His sister would like to go and it would give Janet a break to spend time with Rick. Yes Nate would bring Maggie and Laura too. It Nate couldent see the light of one more day than at least he would have the memorie of Laura and his sisters smiling face to remember. Standing Nate catches Laura's eye and smiles. Walking over to her cubicle he cross his arms across his chest.*

"So...You, Maggie and Me going to Texas sounds like a great idea. How about I pick you up at 7:30?"

*Siting up in bed Misty looks around the room making sure Rick wasent around. He had already balled her out once and even more when she showed him the ducktape over where she was shot. Tonight she would be heading home she had already told Rick that. Sleeping in Carson's bed lastnight proved how much she missed her own. Going over to the computer Misty sits down to check her email. Reading Scott email Misty lets out a sigh. She probley wouldent end up going. She dident know anyone there outside TJY and it would just feel strange. Grabing the phone she dials Carson's number.*

"Hey there my Hot Aussie man. Are you gonna be going to Texas? I dont think I am. I would feel to strange."

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