
Almost count

*As Jason steps between Aerith and Frankie, a Aerith's body relaxed alittle but stays on alert.

Frankie tilts his head to look down at Jaosn, and amused yet irratated look in his eyes. Backing up a few steps Frankie shifts his gaze back to Aerith.*

"I'll see you later babe. You can almost count on it."

*Turning Frankie lets out a laugh and head out the door slapping his sunglass back on his face and geting onto his bike. Reving the moter again and backing up Frankie looks to the big window of the restront and gives a wave with a grin on his face. Seeding away.

Once Frankie is gone Aerith breaths again. Sinking down into the booth across from where Jason had been siting. Puting her head into her hands pushing her hair back Aerith lets out a sigh. What was he doing here? That was the last person Aerith wanted or needed to see.*

"Thanks Jason, for sticking up for me there. He would of left sooner or later, but you helped it along sooner."

*After a short while Misty stirs. Opening her eyes she looks around the room for a moment before remembering where she was. Slowly siting up Misty gets off the bed. Still in her jeans and Carson's t-shirt. Moving slowly out of the room and into the living room Misty see's Carson and gives him a playful slap on the arm.*

"Why dident you wake me?"

*Looking down at Carson Misty can still tell he has a hang over. Shaking her head she cant help but roll her eyes. He deserved the hang over.*

"You should drink alot of water, and than rest again. It will help dilut your system, and will get rid of the hangover fast."

*Misty sits down next to Carson with great care, trying not to rib her makeshift stiching job.*

*Streaching at her desk Katie stands and ambles over to Scott's cubicle. Seeing he wasent there Katie grabs a sticky not and write.*

{Whats on the list for tonight's todo?}

*Sticking it to his computer screen Katie heads to the breakroom to grab something to eat.*

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