

Scott looks up as Katie comes to him, and listens, his eyes widening slightly. The more she talks, the higher his eyebrows rise.

This was…interesting. He’d never seriously considered going to the ranch, even though it had been mentioned or perhaps joked about.

His first reaction was to decline. He didn’t belong in Texas…on a ranch…around all those people he didn’t know. Sure, he knew their profiles pretty well from scouring the Agency case, but he was really an outsider.

When he opens his mouth to respond though, Scott sees the life in Katie’s eyes. She wanted this so badly…it was making her happy just thinking about it. And she really did want him to go along. If he said no, he knew good and well that he would be disappointing her. Couldn’t he get out of his box for her?

Managing a crooked grin, he gives a little nod. “Alright. Nevada sunset…Texas sunset…they’re both pretty. So…I’ll go as long as I can find someone to take care of Domino…and I’ll make sure an email goes out right away.”

Subject: All aboard who’s going aboard
To: TJY Staff
From: Ireland’s Neighbor

You got it. Road trip! Or rather…air trip. All the way to Texas, and YOU’RE invited.

Here’s the scoop. Our own in-house Hero is the hero once again, brainstorming up a grand scheme for all of us to take advantage of our day off tomorrow. Okay, so it’s short notice, but come on…how can you pass it up? And here’s the great part…TJY’s providing the ride. Now…tell me you really don’t want to go…I dare you.

Where: The Airport
When: Tonight at 8:00

We’ll arrive in Texas later tonight, but early enough that no one can complain too awful much, and we’ll all have the entire day tomorrow. Then early the next morning it’s back here to TJY in time to prep and meat at the courthouse for our hearing.

So…how about it? No need to reply. Got questions, ask Katie. Just be sure if you want to go that you’re at the airport by eight at the latest – ‘cause once the plane leaves the ground, that’s it.

The sound from Jason’s computer catches his attention and he looks up, noting that he’d just received an email. Thankful for another distraction, he moves to read it. Opening the email, his eyes widen. Who else would be going to Texas? And did he want to go? He hadn’t expected this. He’d made no plans. It was pretty spur of the moment. But…shouldn’t he go? Even if he wasn’t feeling like it, shouldn’t he at least go, if only to see his mom? After the hearing, who knew what would happen? He hadn’t seen her in so long…and he knew no matter how awkward it was for him, she’d want to see him and would be disappointed if he didn’t go. But at the same time…he really wasn’t so keen on the idea of socializing in a group right now. Playing with the band the other night had almost been too much for him to handle…mingling with everyone else back at the ranch would be another shock to the system, and if there was one thing he didn’t want to do while there, it was break down.

Con sinks down in his computer chair and opens his email program, still running a towel through his wet hair after he’d showered. Not being at TJY anymore, he’d had to get used to actually checking his email from home, but had finally gotten into the habit, though it wasn’t often he corresponded with anybody.

Surprised to see an email from TJY, he immediately opens it.

Scanning the message, a smile forms. He really wanted to do something with Jamie tomorrow…but being able to go back to the ranch for a day was pretty appealing. He’d gotten to know the people there pretty well while he’d been there, and if everything was going to fall apart after the court hearing, it would be nice to see them all again. Not to mention, this was something Katie had obviously instigated, and Con surmised it was important to her.

Reaching to the side, he picks up his phone and dials Jamie. “Hey you…read your email yet? I was going to take you out tomorrow, but…what do you say to going to Texas? It would be nice if we were actually there at the same time for once.”

Wyatt leans back in his chair, reading Scott’s email. Thinking for a moment, he knows that he will opt to stay in Nevada. He and his dad weren’t all that close, especially since his dad was his boss, but tomorrow…they’d actually agreed to go out and do some morning fishing…something they hadn’t done in years. Wyatt wanted that time alone, and though he was sure many others would be going to Texas, it didn’t take much for him to decline. There would be more who would stay, he was sure, so he shouldn’t be viewed as a party pooper.

Sensing someone behind him, he turns to suddenly see Jason. “Oh, hi. What’s up?”

“I…got a favor to ask of you…that is…if you wouldn’t mind…”

Laura is just finishing up her work, getting ready to leave, when she checks her email one last time. Texas? She wondered if Con was going. It might be nice to meet everyone he’d spoken so highly of…everyone who anyone else had spoken so highly of. And to be in this circle of friends…no matter who went…it seemed the perfect time…the perfect thing to do on their last day before things would change.

But…she didn’t really want to pass up time with Nate either. Would he be going? If not, Laura was sure she would choose to stay here. Missing out on possibly the last time they had together wasn’t worth it.

Standing from her desk, Laura looks across the room to see if Nate is still here.

It’s Reese.

Carson sits up on the couch and listens more carefully to the phone call. Why was Reese calling? What had happened? “Yeah?”

First of all, how are you feeling?”

“Like crap.”

Good. You deserve it.”

Carson sighs. “Look, I…”

No, you look,” Reese retorts sternly. “Anybody working under me cannot go gallivanting around and getting drunk when things take a bad turn. Not only is that behavior unacceptable, but it risks a breach in security when you’re saying things you can’t even remember. Are you understanding me?

Carson hunches over to rest his elbows on his knees. He’d known this was coming, but hadn’t expected it to come in the form of a phone call. “Yeah…I understand you. Are you firing me?”

No…I’m not. But don’t press your luck. Three strikes, and you may very well be out.

“I’m trying, Reese…honest.”

Reese pauses for a moment, his tone softening. “That’s all I can ask for. Now…there’s an email flying around here today, and I wanted to make sure you weren’t left out. A bunch from here is going to fly to Texas tonight to spend a day at the RM ranch tomorrow as their vacation day before the court hearing. Everyone is invited.”

“Are you asking if I’m going?”

I guess so. I’d like to know who all will be here and who will be gone so I can at least keep track of everyone.

Carson thinks for a moment, then opts against it. He didn’t belong at the ranch…he really wasn’t in the mood for a trip in closer quarters with everyone else. No…he’d simply rather stay. “Nah…I’m just gonna stay here. I’ll…I’ll come in to work tomorrow if you want, to make up for today.”

I won’t stop you from coming in, but I’m not asking you,” Reese responds. “But as long as I know you’re in town.”

“Yeah, I will be.”

Mick ambles down the hall in the lower level, glancing around and following the sounds of trash cans rattling. Finally he finds who he’s looking for. “Hey, Ty.”

Ty looks up from his work and smile. “Mick. What’s up?”

“Had a proposition for you.”


“Ever been to Texas?”

Ty pauses his work. “Um…just passing through. Why?”

“A bunch from here is headed there tonight…kind of a bash before this whole court hearing, just to be sure we all see each other again if everything falls apart.” Mick shrugs. “You’re welcome to come along.”

“Oh…I don’t know.” Ty looks down. “I’m not real close to anyone here…except Wyatt I guess, but that’s just because I live with him.”

“So this might be a good opportunity for you then,” Mick prompts. “There’s plenty of room, and…well, Ty, I guess there’s a couple people back there that I’d like you to meet.”

Ty looks up again, confused. “Who?”

“Just some family and friends. What do you say?”

“You going?”

“Would I stay and miss the chance to see my fiancé?” Mick grins. “Of course I’m going.”

Ty thinks for another moment and finally shrugs. “Why not? I don’t have anything to lose.”

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