
Face Pale

*Misty smiles and kiss Carson back sealing the affection was real.*

"I stick with you cuz I care for and about you."

*Giving Carson a little nudge with her food she laughs.*

"Go take your shower before I change my mind from the smell."

*After Cason is gone Misty smiles again and closes her eyes. Her tired state returning along with the pain. Snuggling alittle deeper into the blankets and pillow Misty soon drifts to sleep again.*

*Aerith smiles at Jason and nods. The air around him today seemed alittle cleaner. Alittle less stress and tention. It seemed like a weaght from the many was removed making it alittle less lighter to bear.*

"I am glad your well. I'll see what I can do about that sub.*

*Aerith disapears into the back giving Herb Jason's order. Within moment later Aerith makes her way back to Jason's table with his Sub and frys.*

"I hope you like french frys as well. Herb though you would like them no charge."

*Aerith stands and chats with Jason alittle bit more once again forgeting that maybe she was talking to much.

As figure parks outside the small restront. Pulling off his helmet he runs a hand through his Black frosted hair. He stood about 6’5 and was fairly well built. Turning his head and looking around alittle a dry laugh escaps his lips as he pulls a pare of sunglass out of his pocket and puts them on heading to the door and inside.

Aerith’s head admatily turns as the bell on the front door ring. As her eyes land on the new comer her face pales slightly.

Seeing Aerith the stranger walks over to her. Removing his sunglass a cocky smile on his face.*

"Your grandmother said I might find you here. How are ya babe?"

*For a moment Aerith just looks up at the stranger. Her words caught in her throut as her lip quivers. It couldent be, not here, not now.*

"Frankie what are you doing here? I mean...how did you?"

*Frankie's smile stays on his face as his voice booms.*

"I was stoping by to check in on my sister, and I though I would stop by and see your grandmother. Since you just up and vanished. When she told me you were here in Nevada and working at this restront I had to come and see you."

*Aerith's eyes shift to Jason and than back to Frankie.*

"But I dident want to see you. Thats why I left without telling you to start with."

*Frankie stands alittle bit taller a looks of irratation on his face.*

"How is that anyway to talk to me?"

*Aerith trys her best to stand strong, though underneath she was a bit nervouse by this viset.*


*Frankie cross his arms over his chest and just stairs at Aerith.*

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