
Day off

Jason's mind starts forming a blank as he begins trying to cope with what he just saw. Hearing his name at first, his sub conscious tricks him into thinking the one person who has always helped him is there.

Suddenly he realizes again where he is and just who is talking to him. He jumps as Aerith touches his arm, and he tries to shake off his shock. "Yeah, yeah...I'm fine...it's...it's nothing."

Hearing his phone ring, he goes for it quickly, trying to revert his mind. "Hello?" Hearing Katie's voice on the other end is like the sound of warm rain after a the thunder has just rumbled. He swallows hard and takes a deep breath, calming himself. "Yeah...I know....I just...got a surprise, that's all." He closes his eyes for a moment, rubbing his forehead. Despite all the times Katie has told him he's not a bother, he still feels badly any time he knows he's pulled her away from anything she was doing. "Thanks, Katie. I'm on my way back from Mom and Pop's. Just, um..." He doesn't want to fear what could happen, but has to remain practical. His mind has beat him before. "If I'm not there in fifteen minutes, don't panic, but send someone to look for me, alright?"

Ending the call, he takes another deep breath and turns to Aerith with apology. "I'm sorry, I..." He's not even sure what to say. His childhood trauma wasn't something he talked about openly. "Maybe I'll explain sometime, but I'm fine..." He musters up a smile. "Thanks for the chat."

Desperately trying to keep his mind occupied, he heads out the door at a fast pace, not even bothering to wave at Mabel and Herb. He had to get out of there and get to somewhere he felt safe before his subconscious decided to let go.

Filling his mind with thoughts of work, the upcoming hearing, Texas, or any other random thing he could think of, Jason heads to TJY. He makes it fine, parking and going inside. Though still shaking on the inside, he keeps his body language at a level not to alert anyone.

Aiming for his office, he glances down the aisle and sees Katie in her cubicle. He gives her a short wave, simply letting her know that he was there, and continues his route.

Getting to his office, Jason shuts the door behind himself, greeting Trooper with a pat to the head. Going around his desk, he sinks into his chair, putting his head down on his arms and trying with all his might to control his thoughts. He had to concentrate on something else...he had to...he couldn't let the memories come...not like this...they couldn't control him...he had to control them.

Trooper cocks his head and gives a whine, sensing Jason's strange behavior.

Afternoon Email
To: TJY Staff
From: Carter

In light of the court hearing that will be in two days, I am issuing a mandatory day off for all of the TJY staff. Tomorrow, please feel free to spend time with family or friends. As we know, the results of the court hearing may be very good or very bad. We all hope that we will be able to stay together as a team and continue working towards our ultimate goal of justice. However, due to the unknown results of the hearing, I wish to provide you all with this time to share with loved ones.
Thank you for being the team you have.


"Hey, Dean?" Con speaks loudly over the sound of the bulldozer behind him as he leans against a support beam to speak to the foreman.

Dean turns around taking his hard hat off for just a moment to wipe the sweat from his brow. "Yeah?"

"Mind if I switch days with Brandon, so I can have tomorrow off?"

Dean shrugs. "I don't care. Work it out with him. Got special plans?"

"Maybe." Con forces a grin, despite his reasoning for wanting a day off. In two days, things might never be the same again, and if there was one thing he'd want to do if he knew he'd be behind bars, it was spend one more day with Jamie. "Brandon already said he'd trade."

"Alright, that's fine. Just let Patty know for her books."

"You got it."

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