
Get away!

*Aerith eyes follow Jason outside as he drives away. She was a bit confused by what just happend. Jason had seemed fine and than very upset. Not understanding and worrying for her friend she turns her head to Mable who just shakes her own. Leting out a sigh Aerith goes back to cleaning off the table.

The rest of her day goes pretty normal no more word yet from Frankie. Aerith couldent help but be alittle on edge now though. Everytime the door opened she snaped her head up and found herself feeling foolish when she relized it wasent him.

Katie goes back to her work still a bit on edge from what happend with Jason. Saying a quick silent prayer for his safty she resumes her work. Hearing the elavator open moments later Katie looks up and see Jason. Receving his wave and waving back Katie know he'll be ok now. Leting out a breath Katie is happy Jason made it back safly.*

*As the hours pass slowly before Katie knows its almost 2pm. After reading Carters email Katie sits back in her chair and thinks for a long moment. Taking her phone and dialing the number for the ranch Katie waits still she hears her Aunts voice.*

"Heya Rosetta. I have a question to ask ya....."

*A half hour pass and Katie hang up the phone a smile on her face. Though she never said it enough Katie loved her aunt so much. Standing Katie makes her way over to Scott cubicle.*

"Heya Scotty. So I had something to ask ya. I know we have plans for dinner and than to watche the sun set, but I was wondering if we could post pone that till tomarrow night than I can show you the sun set on a country farm."

*Knowing Scott was probley royly confused by now Katie dosent skip a beat in going into an explanation.*

"Well I know that tomarrow Carter is giving us a day off, and I would really like to spend time with you, but I would also like to see my aunt back home as well. So I called her up and asked if I could bring you, myself, and a bunch others from TJY out there. First she yelled at me for not calling her sooner, and next she yelled at me for even thinking I needed to ask. The ranch dosent have many people there this week so she said it would be perfect. I know we would all have a blast there. Its a wonderful place. So if you would do accopany me there I would like that. I want my aunt to know you.

I also kind of need a favor from you, if you say yes you will go. I was wondering if you could send something flashyer than an email out to all the staff of TJY including Con leting them know about this avent. Let them know they can bring any family members or friend they want to spend time with. With the permistion of Carter and Reese we will be taking the TJY Jet tonight stay a full day and leave early the next morning. Anyone who would like to go should meet us at the air field at 8pm."

*Katie cant help the look of excitment as her eyes twinkle. She hoped Scott would want to come along with her other friends. Passing up and opertunity at the ranch was crazy. Katie wanted to be able to shair a wonderful experance with the other if this was to be there last together.*

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