

*Katie eyes grow big as she still sobs. Jason was at the ranch what on earth.* "Jason....Jason is there?" * Though a bit saprised she is also a bit releaved. What better place for Jason to be but at the ranch. At least there he would have people to take care of him and watch over him. Darkness still looms over Katie's head.* "He really did leave. I new he wouldent be back like he said." *Katie lets out a long sigh* "Oh Uncile Jeff...I just dont understand and my heart hurts so much. I dont want to eat, I dont want to sleep I feel....I feel so strange. It dident even hurt this much with my past. This is 1000x that. It feels like I am torn in half, my best friend is gone, and I have another guy who cares about me alot and I care about him but I am just so confused." *Katie stops to catch her breath and coughs her trying still going, but slowling down alittle.*

*As Jamie sits at her desk and lets out a sigh. Poor Katie. Poor Jason. Poor Wyatt. They all were stuck. and it was not a fun place to be. Jamie new that. She also new the damage something like this could do to a person. The depresstion, the hurt and pain. It was not long ago Jamie went through the same thing and totely shit down. It had taken her so long to get back to where she was today. Her situation was differnt from Katie and Jason's but the same. Jamie had been married for 6 years and had 2 kids before coming to TJY. Her olderst would be 5 next month and the other would be 3. Jamie had been devorced for 2 years now. As Jamie relives the memories she lets out a long sigh. She had goten married when she was to young. She thought she was in love but it turned out it was more of a safty net. The day her husband left Jamie was crushed and he took the kids with him. Jamie had no money and no stable place to live at the time to try and fight for her kids so she lets them go. Choosing that was what was best for them. She turned away and lost the 2 most important things in her life. Oh how Jamie wished she could go back and change things and fight for her kids knowing what she did now. But it was to late and she has made hr choises. Bringing herself out of her memories Jamie looks down at the clock and see it is 11:50. Shuting her Mac screen off and put her files into her desk Jamie stands and makes her way over to Con's office. Knocking on his door and enters.* "I'm ready when you are Con." *Jamie offers a smile.*

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