

Jason can’t even reply to Jamie, and simply watches her leave. She had just said that Katie loved him. That thought alone was enough to shoot adrenaline into his veins. Surely that wasn’t true.

Memories bombard him. Back in Texas. The way Katie had taken care of him. The look in her eye that first time she’d dared to awkwardly kiss him. The pain she’d suffered through his rejection of her. Here in Nevada. The way she stared at him. The way she accepted him. How she’d needed him. How she’d wanted him. How she’d demonstrated absolute trust. The way she supported him and was proud of him.

Jason leans over to press his palms on his desk, still standing, but hanging his head. He knew the truth…he knew it deep down…he was trying to deny it, but he knew it was there. Jamie was right…he knew Katie loved him.

Wyatt’s words come hurling back in his direction, their meaning bringing on a new sting. Jason was getting in the way of something good. Katie liked Wyatt, and Wyatt obviously cared for her. He was a good man…he had a lot to offer… Jason had a record of hurting people. Wyatt was true to his character. Jason didn’t even know what direction he was headed. Wyatt had a vision of the future and stability.

Jason’s own pride begins to crumble. Maybe he cared for Katie…maybe once in a while he’d dare to call it love. And maybe Katie had feelings for him too. But was it supposed to be that way? Was it right? Jason wanted Katie to be happy…he wanted her to have what she deserved – the best. And right now…he simply couldn’t be the best. Wyatt adored Katie and treasured her…that’s what Katie deserved. Not someone who couldn’t stay on top of his own emotions or couldn’t even see ahead one day. No…

He lifts his head and straightens up, grabbing his keys. He couldn’t work any longer. He had to get out of here. He had to think…he had to plan.
Walking back out on the floor, he glances towards Wyatt’s desk on the far side. “Okay, Wyatt,” he whispers. “You win.” Heading for the door, he considers his next move. He needed to get his stuff from Katie’s room and take it back to Con’s. It was Wyatt’s turn…Katie was all his.

As Jason drives across town, his mind won’t rest. He’s in no shape or mood to go back to the hospital just yet.
His stomach gives a little lurch, reminding him that he hasn’t had any breakfast. Glancing at the clock, he realizes that it’s late enough to eat an early lunch. He spots the familiar Italian restaurant, and on a whim, pulls up in front. He hadn’t been here since he’d been back…it was Con’s favorite place…but most likely there wouldn’t be any coworkers in there this early, which was exactly what Jason wanted.

Finally he heads inside, the little bell above the door ringing. Grabbing the closet table with a booth, he slides in to the wall to prop up his sore knee on the long seat, and grabs a menu, though the last thing he wants to think about is food.

Ty looks up, relief sweeping over him. “Thanks, Katie. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate this.” He stands up as the nurse comes in, and lifts his eyebrows. “Um…sure. I guess… as long as I won’t be in the way.”

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