
losing battle

Wyatt’s heart begins to sink as a new reality starts to appear – one that he’d tried to ignore…one that he’d feared.
“Katie…I did trust you…as much as I possibly could, seeing you and Jason together all the time. I’m sorry if something I said today offended Jason enough to take off like this, but I’m not sorry for telling him how I really felt.” He tries to organize his thoughts as he looks at Katie’s tear-filled eyes. “I knew you two were friends…but I guess I didn’t realize what that meant, and that was my fault.” He pauses again, the pain cutting deeply. “But what I’m seeing right now…is that your heart no where near belongs to me. I thought it was Jason that kept getting in the way…I thought it was his fault that you two were always together and so close…but it wasn’t all his fault was it?” He shakes his head slowly, still speaking calmly. “I just wish I would have recognized it sooner, but my own heart got in the way of my eyes. I’m sorry, Katie… I thought I was doing what was right. I see now that it’s a losing battle for me.”

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