
Back to her

Jason pays attention to traffic for just a moment, looking both ways at an intersection before turning. “I’m alright, Katie. I…I’m on my way to the hospital now. I’m going to…” All of a sudden his phone beeps and he realizes their call has been dropped. “Aw, dang it.” He rolls his eyes and tosses his phone aside.
It only takes a few minutes to get back to the hospital, and Jason finds himself walking slower than he normally does to make it to Katie’s room. For the first time, he dreads seeing her. With as many times as he’d deserved a tongue lashing from Katie and he hadn’t wanted to face her, nothing felt quite like this. It shouldn’t be a big deal…it shouldn’t be hard….but something forewarned him that it was.

Finally getting to Katie’s room, he knocks lightly before going in and offering something close to a smile. “Hey, Hero.” He fidgets with he keys in his hand and ambles to her bed, but doesn’t sit down. He looks in her eyes…those eyes that envelop him every time. Those eyes that deserved so much more than this.

He knows his face and body language give away that all is not right, but how can he tell her about what happened with Wyatt, without upsetting her?

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