
It's yours

Jason is plodding halfway through his meager and not-so-tasty supper, when the knock at the door startles him. Who would be here? He’d talked to all his friends today…and no one ever stopped by unannounced.

Getting up from the couch and setting his food down, he limps barefoot through the kitchen, but pauses at the counter. Katie. What was she doing here? Was she alone? Was everything okay?

Swinging the door open and hearing her greeting, a smile spreads on his face. He folds his arms across his chest and cocks his head. “You weren’t supposed to be eavesdropping on my evening.” His statement is laced with humor, and though halfway chiding, the pleasure shows in his eyes.

He opens the door wider. “But I’m not saying no to real food, and I’m certainly not saying no to the company.”

Jason leads the way back into the living room where he picks up his former supper and goes to deposit it into a very happy Trooper’s bowl. Getting back to the couch, he eases down and nods for Katie to join him, using the coffee table for the food. He mutes the television, tired of the movie anyway.

Snatching a french-fry, he grins. “Mmm…much better than an overcooked piece of something they claim to be meat.”

Drawing one leg up on the couch to tuck a foot between the cushions, he starts the meal with Katie, happy to have the company at least for a little while. “You realize you’re taking the role of “hero” way to seriously.” He grins. “But I’m not going to complain.”

Bret smiles back at Charlotte, his eyes following her as she goes to her car and backs out of the driveway. Sighing a little, he finally gets out too, locking his car and heading to the porch.

Instead of going inside, he sits down on the swing for a few minutes, the chilly breeze running through his hair. He liked spending time with Charlotte…she was a bright spot in his life. She gave him something to look forward to…something to keep his mind busy. She was special…and she was becoming more special to him.

Having a woman in his life again was something Bret hadn’t really intended. After the first failure and the divorce, he’d decided he wasn’t going to try it again. Charlotte though…she was different. But what were Bret’s intentions? Was he thinking long term or was she just satisfying his need for friendship?

Giving another sigh, Bret finally stands up and heads for the door. His thoughts would still be there in the morning. Tonight he was going to sleep.

Reaching the door handle, he suddenly notices a paper stuck in the door. Furrowing his brow, he takes it out and unfolds it. Scanning the scribbled note, his confusion turns to ire. Crumpling up the paper, he tosses it out into the grass where the wind carried it away.

Getting inside and turning on the lights, Bret double checks the locked doors before going to bed. So much for a restful night.

As Misty starts to tell Kyle what’s really going on, a chill runs down his spine. Swallowing hard, he just listens, without jumping to conclusions. Taking in the information and hearing Misty’s apology, his eyes slowly drift to his hands that are still in his lap.

He did wish she would have told him sooner…though he had had his suspicions already. Just the way Rick had talked to her, and the worry in her eyes all day, he’d suspected there was more. He just hadn’t wanted to ask, almost afraid to know the answer.

Part of him was upset for not having known…part of him was glad he’d been able to enjoy the day without the worry. This was serious though. If he still had this poison in his system…it could not only ruin his voice permanently, but it could kill him.

Taking a deep breath, he closes his eyes for just a moment. He’d never been close to death, but he was not afraid. Lord, give me strength.

Slowly he looks back up at Misty, a warm smile making its way across his face. Reaching up with his good hand, he takes a finger to trace above her eye, down across her cheek, then under her chin, where he gives her a tap before letting his hand drop again. “There’s nothing to forgive,” he whispers hoarsely. “But don’t work too hard tonight…you’ll keep me up.”

His grin remaining, he winks at her. His face is one of peace, his eyes those of concern but not worry for he had no fear. There would be disappointment if there was permanent damage, but he would deal with it as it came. There would be pain if he were to die, but he had too much to gain to fear that. And there was too good of a chance that Misty would find the right antidote for him to sit around and worry.

I’ll have to keep you awake tomorrow in church,” he teases quietly. “Then it will be a nice pot of black coffee before you sing tomorrow night.”

Coughing for a moment, he shakes his head and looks back at Misty, serious again. “I’m not scared…you shouldn’t be either.”

Not having been asleep, Luke’s eyes fly open as someone enters the darkened bunk. He doesn’t have to see who it is though, to know.

As Angel takes him in the passionate embrace, he draws himself up on one arm. His other hand cradles the side of her face as he gently returns her kiss, his fingers making their way to the back of her head as he gets lost in the moment.

Jeff quirks a sleepy eyebrow from the other bed, just able to see the silhouettes of Luke and Angel and what was going on. Sighing, he pulls his blanket up further and rolls over in the other direction in slight annoyance. A grin surfaces though. Luke had talked with him earlier…he was happy for them.

Luke finally draws away, just able to see Angel’s eyes as the light from another porch light reflects off of them. He returns for another kiss, proving his own passion before ending the exchange.

A soft smile creases his lips as he looks at Angel, his hand caressing her cheek. “Name the day,” he whispers. “And it’s yours.”

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