

Carson looks away at Jess’s question, for a moment before he looks at her again. “My sister and I used to be close, but…distance and time have a way of separating people.”

Encouraging just a little small talk to ease both their minds, Carson sticks around for a while before he stands up again. “I should go…I promised Herb I’d help close up tonight.”

He turns to leave, one hand on the doorknob, but pauses to see Jess again. “If you need anything…call Mom and Pop’s, alright? I’ll answer the phone. …Goodnight.”

Slipping out into the hall, he makes sure no one is around before making his way to the exit. Again he passes by the infirmary, willing himself not to stop. He shouldn’t take any more time anyway…he’d told Herb where he was going, but wanted to be back within a reasonable amount of time so as not to create any questions of his whereabouts.

Kyle hears Misty come back into the room, and looks around, seeing her go to her desk. He gives a little sigh and finally goes to get his notepad and pencil, flopping down on his stomach on the bed, jotting down words. He knew it would be a while before she was free. It was okay with him…he wasn’t so sure that supper sounded all that great right now anyway.

Bret pulls into his driveway and parks, shutting the engine off. It was dark now, though only a few stars had started to show themselves. Bret pulls out the keys and fingers them for a moment before looking over to Charlotte. “Well…another day bites the dust.”

A grin surfaces. “It lived a good life though…at least from my perspective.”

Bret lifts a hand to softly brush Charlotte’s cheek with the back of his fingers. “And I have you to thank for that.”

Jason flops down on his couch, flipping the television on. He props his knee up with an extra pillow, and situations himself with his warmed-up tv dinner for supper. Stabbing the overdone meat with a fork, he grimaces a little.

Trooper sits down and stares at him, starting to drool.

“After I taste this you might just get it,” Jason remarks. “But for now, don’t make me watch you drool.”

Trooper lowers his head and slides down onto the floor, heaving a sigh.

“Thank you.” Jason flips channels on the television, landing on some movie that he really wasn’t even interested in, but watches anyway.

It had been a tossup tonight between staying at work late or coming home. Neither one had been appealing. He’d spent a little time before coming home on the phone with Phil and Mike, then had stopped in to see Kyle and Misty to finalize plans for the next night. Now that he was home though, it was the same old routine. He’d eat the same tasteless food, watch the same television, then fall asleep on the couch before picking himself up about midnight to crawl into bed.

Kyle holds in another cough as he and Misty make it back to the infirmary. Supper had been fun, down at the diner, though Kyle hadn’t eaten much. Not wanting Misty to question him too much though, he’d laid on his antics to make her smile and laugh as much as any time, grinning all the while.

Now that it was evening, he was getting tired, and knew he should sleep, but he didn’t want to this early. There was so much already spinning around inside his head that he didn’t want to leave it to dreams.

Just sitting on the edge of the bed, he gives a little sigh and waits for further instructions. He didn’t know if Misty would be working late, if she’d stay up with him, or if she’d grab the cot in the corner.

Just as the sun is sinking low and the ranch is settling down, those tired make their ways to bed, to rest, to sleep, to prepare for a new day.
While new mother and father rest together in bliss, others also rest their weary heads on pillows to give themselves up to dreams until the morning.

And in one small house where Angel was, something new had appeared on her bed, placed there by hands not seen.

A bouquet of flowers rested on her pillow, tied with a purple ribbon. A note was laid out beside it, handwritten by the one that loved her so much.

For you, from me, just to say I love you. Reminded not to take your love for granted, I give you this gift…and I give you me. Through thick and thin and for better or worse…I can no longer face the world alone. Be with me before our time is up so I will not waste one more day wishing for the heaven on earth I see in your eyes. I have put off too long, that which I want most to do. I love you. Marry me?

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