

*Katie smiles and enters the house putting the food down on the living room table and snuggling into Jason's couch. Jason's house was nice this was her find time actually inside but it was nice and had a comfy atmosphere to it.

Grabbing a fry for herself Katie gives a short laugh at Jason. It felt good to be able to sit with her friend again and feel comfortable. It was something she had missed.*

"Yeah maybe I am, but once a Hero always a Hero. You just can't get away. By the way did you ever find out when I am going to be able to fly?"

*Katie can't help the sly grin that forms on her lips and she takes a bit of a burger and than nudges Jason with her shoulder playfully*

*Misty smiles at Kyle thankful for his understanding and amazed at how he still had a smile on his face. It was so strange to see someone be given bad new and still hold a smile on there face. Misty admired that about Kyle, She really did.*

"Well, I wont work to hard but I will be up till I find the antidote. I couldn't sleep if I tryed right now. It just wouldn't be passable even if I tryed."

*Misty offers another smile to Kyle and stands.*

"Well you better get some sleep. I'll keep the light low for you. If you need anything just yell."

*Misty runs a hand under Kyle's chin before starting to turn and leave. If she got to work now, maybe she would find the answer before church in the morning.*

*Angel smiles as Luke pulls away and than comes in for another kiss. Pure bliss is what she felt in the moment. It seemed one happy even after another and more to come. Though the war was far from over, the happyness that they all had longed for, for a while was finally making itself know. They were finally standing up to the Agency and showing them they could not bring them down. If anything was going to hurt them, this would the most. Pulling away from the kiss Angel's eyes shine in the light as they look deep into Luke's own.*

"Today, tomarrow, next week, a month from now....it dosn't matter to me as long as I am getting married to you Luke. As long as I finally can call myself your wife."

*Her face lit up like a million candles when she spoke those words. That word she had ment, the words she had wanted to say for a long time.*

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