

*As Katie sits at her desk she lets out a long sigh. Tonight her and Scott went doing anything they both decide they should get some rest before tomorrows big event. If everything went right there would be some excitement and no room for being tired.

Standing Katie gives a strech and heads out to her car. Slipping into the drivers seat Katie just sits for a moment a suddin wave of bordum, maybe a hint of sadness washing over her. A small smile curles on her lips as she thinks about Jason and the tv dinner. Men can never cook thought things right can they? Starting her car and letting a laugh ring through her mind Kaite pulls out of TJY as she blocks only a certin spot in her mind where a plan formed.

Coming up to a BK Katie pulls in and orders some food. She was going to head over to Jen's but first she wanted to make a pit stop. After a few more minutes of driving Katie pulls into Jason's driveway and smiles. Getting out of the car she heads up the side walk and knocks on the door. Waiting for Jason to answer she smiles.*

"I though you might like some real food and maybe some company of a friend before I head to Jen's!"

*As Carson heads out Jess gives a nod.*

"Night Carson, and thanks for the shake."

*Once Carson is gone Jess throws the rest of the shake away in the trash. Her stomach just not able to handle anymore. Flopping back on the bed Jess stairs up at the cealing. Tonight she new would be another restless night.

As a small tap sounds on the door Jess sits up with a start and just stairs for a moment not sure who would be there.*

"Jess, its Angelica. Rick had told me it was ok to talk to you now."

*Leting out a sigh of releaf Jess relaxes a bit.*

"Yeah come in."

*Angelica enters the room and offers her hand to Jess in a shake than sits down in a chair acorss from the bed. Indulging in some normal conversation with Jess first to make her comfortable and than than going on to why she would here to talk to her.

The hours draged on and Jess, was qEnter away message text here.uiet about most having Angelica have to ask her more than once a question but finally she had all she needed. Her heart went out to the young girl. She was so lost and confused, and hurting.

Laying a hand on Jess shoulder Angelica smiles.*

"Don't worry, I'll get this guy. If you have anyone you would like to come to the court hearing with you, you may. We are all here if you need us Jess. "

*Angelia stands and leaves the room leaving Jess with her feelings, and emotions alone once again. Leting out a heavy sigh she lays back on the bed leting the darkness saround her till finally her eyes drift shut.*

*Charlotte smiles at Bret before she gets out of the car. She did enjoy spending her time with Bret and she had grown closer to him more than exspected. Now thinking about spending a free day flipping a coin by herself just dident seem exciting. *

"I guess I can thank you as well. You keep my days full of excitment."

*As Bret's fingers brush her face she leans into them a little bit enjoying the wormth that they offered.*

"It's funny to think and innocent pool game turned into this..."

*Charlotte lips curle and her eyes dance with excitment as she gazes at Bret.*

"...It was worth it too."

*Charlotte opens the car door and steps out the smile still present on her lips.*

*As Misty and Kyle head inside Misty smiles. The night had been fun and though Kyle had tryed to be himself Misty new better.

Getting into the infermary and seeing Kyle sit down as if waiting to be told what to do Misty continplates in her head a few things. She new she should tell Kyle what was going on, he'd be wondering anyways when he dident see her go to bed. But she dident want him to worry, but Misty new it was his right to know. Coming over to Kyle and sitting down next to him Misty lets out a long sigh looking at her hands than back at Kyle.*

"Kyle, I...I probley wont be sleeping tonight. There is more to your condition that Rick had told me this morning that I havent told you."

*Misty draws silent for a moment not sure how Kyle will take the new, or if he will be upset with her or not.*

"I won't be sleeping tonight because my whole night will devoted to finding another antidote for you. It seems that the modified verson of the poison is still runing through your system and insted of getting better your geting worse. But I know I can find you a cure. I did before I can do it again Kyle. I wont give up and I wont let you give up eather."

*Misty looks down at the ground again before looking back at Kyle dead in the eyes.*

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner Kyle I just didn't want you to worry or lose hope. I guess I was trying to save you from the pain of knowing this all. Can you forgive me for keeping it to you."

*Entering into her bedroom after checking on Cindy, Kaylee and Wes for the night she was tired. It had been a long day but a well worth having. New life came into this word by the grace of God and it was moment like this that reminded Angel even more how amazing God was.

As her eyes land on the item on her bed and reads the letter a smile cross her lips. This was a long time coming. She had been pasent and now...now it was real.

Not even saying a word Angel exits the office and hops off the steps making her way across the lawn and up to Luke's bunk. Not even knocking Angel throws the door open and enters. Seeing Luke laying on his bed Angel goes over to him and throws her arms around his neck and brings her lips to his letter her passion show though and giving Luke his answer with out any words and her hand gently rubs his back.*

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