
New day

*Katie gives a nod and follows Jason out of his house keeping fairly quiet herself on the way back to her apartment. She was feeling a little bit tired but nothing a nice cold shower would take care of.

Once getting to her apartment Katie turns before getting out of the car and gives a smile to Jason. She had happy he was still thinking of Texas. It would bee a nice mini vacation and it would be great to see everyone again as well.*

"Yeah I'd like that. I think some time away would be nice. Not to mention being able to see that cute little sister you have now."

*Katie smiles as she reaches out and gives Jason's arm a pat.*

"I'll see ya a little bit later at work J."

*Katie leaves the truck and toss a wave to Jason before heading inside to take a shower and get dressed only to leave again for work.*

*Jess stairs forward for a moment as she takes a sip of coffee lost in thought and replying.*

"Grab onto something in the light huh? Not easy to do now-a-days. Not to mention people like me don't deserve the light. We are just blotches on everyones perfect world that they would sooner forget about than bother to help."

*Finally looking down at her hands and the tiny cuts and a few bruses left than lined them she lets out a heavy sigh. Jess wasn't sure if she dident mind the darkness or not. At least if she hide away people wouldn't see the dirt, and the past she hid.

As Axel moves closer Jess gives him a sidelong glance. Little leery for a moment but than turns to him a little more.*

"Axel huh, so now I know why they called you grease."

*Jess can't help but give a small smile at the mention to the annoying nickname but still found humor in it.

Looking down at Axel's hand Jess just stairs for a moment before slowly and causioly almost as if Axel might bite reaches her own out and takes his hand giving it a shake.*

"I'm Jess."

*Charlotte picks up her phone and dials Bret's number. She dident have to work untill the afternoon today and thought maybe breakfest might be nice.

Listing to the phone ring and ring and ring she finally gets the answering service.*

"Bre......tttttttttt.....How can you still be sleeping? It's 9 am you should be awake. Why arnt you awake? Well....I flipped a coin and it said I should go to breakfest and I thought maybe you would want to come...but......since your not answering your phone...I guess I will go alone. Unless you get this and decied to come and join me. You knowww....where I will beeeee. Maybe after words I will stop at the bar for a morning beer.....You better not be wallowing....Byeeeee...."

*Hanging up the phone Charlotte rolls her eyes at herself and shakes her head. Hoping out of bed she heads into the bathroom to get ready and than head out to the restront.*

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