

Feeling Katie's finger under his chin, Jason looks up at her, sensing and deciphering what she's thinking. As her finger runs along his face, he closes his eyes for just a moment, gently closing some remnant feelings he did not want to be known.

Alright. We start over.

Jason leans back down to finish lacing his boots and listens to the options. "I didn't know where you car was. If it's at your place then I might as well just drop you off so you'll have a vehicle at work." He didn't want to finish off his statement that showing up at TJY with her might not be the best thing, even if they were innocent. No matter what there was or wasn't between them, they were both in a tough spot. No matter whether they cared what other people thought or not, they were still in a tough spot.

Standing up, Jason limps to the door, grabbing a crutch. "All aboard that's going aboard!" he calls.

Trooper comes bounding down the hall, shaking the floor.

Jason gives as little smirk. "Alright, big guy. You're on for today. Come on." He opens the door so the dog can go out first, then holds it open for Katie too before he locks it shut.

The ride to Katie's is fairly quiet... Jason keeps his mind as blank as possible, trying both to relax and not invade Katie's space either. He'd done quite enough of that already.

Pulling up to the curb, Jason puts the truck in park, but keeps it running. "Guess I'll see you later at work. Thanks... for everything, and..." He pauses, not knowing if plans had now changed or not, but was determined to forget about yesterday and any of its implications. He might have let it slip that feelings still existed for Katie...but for now...right now...he would revert back to the way things were in the hopes that awkwardness simply wouldn't exist. "We'll have to talk about going to Texas soon. If, um...if you want anyone else to go along, that's great...Ty might want to catch a ride, or Scott might even like to come so he can spend some time with you."

He gives a grin. "Or maybe you just want alone time, and if that's the case, I'll have the pilot tie me out on the wing so you can fly in peace."

Axel's eyes narrow slightly as he reads into Jess' words. The wheels working in his mind are almost visible. "Maybe you ought to find something to hang onto while you're in the light so you don't fall back again."

He takes a sip of his coffee, letting the warm liquid slide slowly down his throat. He glances back to Jess, and slips onto a stool closer to her, extending his hand. "Name's Axel."

Though Carson is working in the kitchen, he keeps one eye to the front counter, a little bit leery about this guy. He'd been with a good bunch last night, but Carson didn't know him from anyone else, and right about now, he wasn't easily trusting of any man around Jess.

Bret rolls over in bed and grabs his buzzing alarm clock, ripping it from the wall and sending it hurling across his bedroom. Burying his head under his pillow, he shuts out the world. Last night had not gone well...it hadn't gone well at all. He didn't remember if he'd had any plans for today or not...he didn't remember if Charlotte was working today or not...all he knew was that it was too early to get up. With the hangover he felt, any time before noon was too early.

To: Jason
From: Ireland's Neighbor
Subject: Lunch
Hey, Hotshot. You, me lunch today? Chinese? Let me know.

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