
Darkness to light

*Katie can feel Jason's emotions change and knows that he is still sorry. She hated when Jason felt bad about something when really he shouldn't anymore. Going over to Jason as her laces his boots Katie brings a finger under his chin and puts pressure to make him look at her in the eyes. Her emotions behind them proving she meant what she was thinking.

Stop thinking about yesterday. Whats done is done and we are both sorry. It's time to move past it and starts towards what the new day. Ok?

Katie gives a smile before removing her finger from Jason's chin and run it along the side of his face for a moment in a friendly manor before answering his question.*

"To my place would be good. Than if you wanna stay and drive me you can. I promise I won't take long, but if you wanna leave after dropping me off that's fine too I can always take my car. One or the other is ok with me."

*Jess is silent for a moment thinking about Axel's question and forming an answer in her mind before speaking.*

"Normally I try to keep my eyes closed as long as I can. Till finally I am forced to wake. This morning, I just couldn't go back to sleep..so I went for a walk and found myself here. So, I guess I get ranked from the darkness into the light, only to fall back to the darkness."

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