

*Wondering around the market Charlotte picks up many items and than lays them down again. She was in the mood to but something but everything she looked at did not peek her intrust.

background and some from Coming to another small stand She looks down at many braclets and necklaces from the indanEgypt. Running her fingers over one of them Charlotte puts it up. Its is a black cord strong with a few small dark color beads on it and at the end was an Egyptian coin. On oneside it said Luck and on the other is said Chanse. Giving a smile Charlotte buys to and decieds to give one to Bret. Placing it in her purse she reminded herself if she saw him later to give the small trinket to him.

Looking at her watch and seeing the time Charlotte makes her way back to her car and heads for home seeing as it was time for her to start getting ready for work.*

*Katie smiles at Scott with an understanding nod.*

"Your right it is starting to get very cold out. Mom and Pop's sounds good. I'll be ready and waiting for you to pick me up."

*Leaning down Katie gives Scott a kiss before standing.*

"I guess I better finish my work, six will come fast. See ya later hun."

*Misty looks back to Kyle her eyes sparkling and the smile present on her face that showed on the inside she was laughing.*

"I don't know Kyle, I only date sick guys. I mean now that your all better you'll probley be chasing those groupies you have around and I'll be left in the dust."

*Finally a laugh escapes her lips proving she dident believe what she said and links her arm with Kyles.*

"Dinner, sounds great to me."

*As Jess finishs off her last cup of coffee she lets out a strech and looks around the small restront. Busness was starting to pick up and all the people were making her uncomfortable. She tryed to stay as long as she could but not it was time to retreat back to the darkness. Catching Carson's eye for a moment Jess gives a wave and points to the door giving the hint she was going to be going and would catch Carson later.*

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