

Axel hears his nickname as he slips from the restaurant, a smile on his lips. Taking a deep breath, he puts his hands in his pockets and starts walking, but not towards the hotel.

Running footsteps echo through the TJY hall and a figure races past the infirmary, only to skid to a stop, turn around, then peek through the doorway.

Rick looks up, startled by the sudden movement at the door, then shakes his head in amusement. “Well, if it isn’t Mr. Mitts.”

Kyle grins and finally enters the room, tossing him a wave, then scanning the area for Misty. Seeing her at her desk, he whistles through his teeth and smiles from ear to ear.

Rick quirks an eyebrow. “Someone is feeling good.”

“Thanks to you guys.”

Rick’s eyes widen. Kyle’s voice was raspy, but amazingly better than just a day or so before. “Well you certainly sound good. Have a seat and let me look at you.”

Kyle is quick to hop up on the bed, glancing over his shoulder at Misty. “Hope I didn’t do anything stupid last night…I don’t remember a thing after the concert.”

Rick pauses his work and looks at him with a sudden question.

Kyle’s face reddens. “I was tired.”

“Oh, I see.” Rick hides his grin as he begins examining Kyle’s throat. “Well I’ll be…it’s working… Misty, it really worked… I can’t believe the rapid healing.”

Kyle’s eyes show hope. “That’s a good thing, right?”

“Of course it is. At this rate, your voice should be back to normal in no time.”


“Well, from what I can tell, yes, if it keeps healing at this pace. And…speaking of healing, how’s that hand?”

Kyle holds up his hand that is bandaged and braced. “It was hurting pretty bad yesterday after everything, but this morning the ache is actually gone.”

Rick thinks for a moment. “I’d like to take an x-ray if I may.”

Kyle shrugs. “Whatever. You’re the doctor.”

A short while later, Rick is looking over the x-rays. “Fascinating.” He motions Misty to join him, pointing out the breaks in Kyle’s hand. “Look…that healing agent you added to the antidote. It didn’t just target his vocal chords…it’s helping those fractures too. Amazing. His body’s makeup must be just right to meld with the antidote in order for it to have worked that well. At this rate, that hand should be useable in a couple week’s time. Utterly amazing.”

Jason grins as he keeps walking to his office and shakes his head. Nah. His teeth aren’t too sharp.

Scott reaches up with one hand brushes Katie’s face as a smile spreads on his own. “Ha…exciting?” He rolls his eyes, gesturing to his computer. Nothing but a bunch of analysis reports.”

He takes her hands in his and gives them a kiss, letting them rest against his chest for a few moments until he lifts them over his head, pulling Katie around as he turns, and bringing her into his lap. His arms around her waist, he looks into her eyes, giving her a smile. “I think you broke the pretty meter when God made you.”

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