

Scott reaches up to finger a stray strand of Katie’s hair, his eyes growing thoughtful. “Mm…I was thinking more like Mom and Pop’s… it’s going to be pretty chilly tonight and I’m just not in the mood for being cold.”

He grins. "So it's my treat. Six o'clock?"

Kyle can't keep from smiling, showing how thrilled he was with this news. "Hey, now they won't have a reason to kick me off the band." He pauses in though. "Well...that might not be true, but at least it wouldn't be because I didn't have a voice." He laughs.

Rick nods with enthusiasm. "We might just have something here. I want to figure out now what it was that made this combination work so well... whether it was the antidote and agent together, or just the agent, or both of those and Kyle's own makeup...I'm wondering if it was all three.... my hunch is, that we could take the very same thing and give it to say, Jason, and it wouldn't do a thing for him. But man, if we can just harness this and get to the bottom...." His voice trails off as he turns away, heading for the counter, his mind working overtime.

Kyle grins and slips off the table, taking a deep breath and spinning around to face Misty. "So..." He clears his throat, still not a hundred percent. "Are we doing dinner or what? After as much sleep as I got last night, I should be good for days. Not to mention I'm starving."

Bret sits at the kitchen table, just having got off the phone once again. He fingers a quarter, rotating it in his palm as he thinks...contemplates...weighs his choices. He sighs and looks down at the coin. After a moment, he tosses it in the air, then captures it on the table. Lifting his hand, it shows tails.

Standing up, he grabs his jacket and car keys.

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