

*Katie can feel Jason's happyness and it felt good. It was good to know he was happy no one deserved it more than him.

Hearing Jason say he wanted to marry Camryn took her off guard for a moment though she dosent let her expression show it. It felt strange to hear those words from Jason/ It wasent a bad strange she just couldent describe it. In a way Katie felt honnored that she was the first to know. It made her feel good, and showed Jason and her had built a good friendship.

Shifting a bit Katie sits down next to Jason. Silent for a moment she just stairs ahead thinking. But soon a smiles cross her face.*

"I dont think your crazy at all J. I'm happy for you. You deserve this happyness more than anyone I know."

*Katie catchs Jason eye and smiles. She was really happy for him, though in the back of her mind something pulled she tryed to ignored it and shut it out.*

"You've come along way J. Your an amazing guy and Camryn is lucky. Congrats"

*Katie's smile grows and her eye sparkle showing she really was happy for Jason.*

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