
Time slips by

Jason can feel a bit of heat rise to his face and a short laugh comes out. "Thanks, Hero. Let's just hope Camryn feels as lucky as you think she is."

He rises to his feet and grabs his crutches, changing the subject before it gets too uncomfortable. He was glad that Katie approved...maybe he didn't really need it, but for some reason, he'd wanted it. "I better get out there and drink my orange juice before I have the lot of you on my back." Throwing Katie a grin, he takes the lead, his happiness remaining.

Lights, noise, cheering, singing. JetStream draws the crowd in as always, engaging them in interaction and drawing out laughter and clapping. Jen, Katie, Scott and Camryn are in the front lines to cheer the most, giving the guys the energy to keep on.

And as the night goes on, a small intermission is instigated by Jason to the surprise of all but Katie. The room is quiet. An odd sense of suspense in the air. And when Camryn is called up on stage, her confusion adds to the mystery.

"I'd get down on one knee, but if I did, I'm not sure I could get up again."

The words bring a chuckle, and makes hearts race as suddenly the realization of what's happening is revealed.

A ring is offered gently, quietly. "Camryn, Lane, will you marry me?"

One could hear a pin drop.

A trembling hand reaches out. Tears glisten in eyes that shine with joy. A smile breaks forth. And the happy embrace tells all that the offer is accepted.

"I love you."

Hollers, whistles and clapping drown the two as they kiss and withdraw from one another, in a room full of people, yet all alone in their corner filled with love.

And thus, time takes the hearts of the strong, the hearts of the weak, the hearts of pain and joy and molds them, shapes them and carries them through one day at a time.

One day at a time the joy is shared. One day at a time pain may be held, but not for long. One day at a time relationships form and grow. One day at a time, the hours pass slowly, but life passes so quickly.

"...Aren't you packed yet?"

"Well I'm trying to be!" Jason stuffs his t-shirts into his backpack and looks around his bedroom, grabbing last minute things.

"Don't forget your knee brace," Camryn reminds, peeking into his room.

"Yeah, like I could forget." Jason rolls his eyes and points to his leg. "I wear it twenty-four/seven, remember?"

Camryn smirks at him. "Come on. At least you don't have to use crutches anymore."

That was true. Jason had shed those a month prior. "Alright, alright...do I have everything?"

Camryn quirks an eyebrow. "How should I know. Don't forget to leave your cell phone home. Remember what Phil said."

"Yeah, yeah." Jason takes his phone off his belt and sets it on his dresser. "Camping only. Just us and nature. No phones."

"Right." Camryn giggles. "What a motley crew. You, me, Phil and Kyle, three hours from nowhere."

Jason grins. "It's a good crew."

"That it is." Camryn stands on her tip toes to give Jason a kiss. She couldn't believe they'd been engaged for two months already. It seemed an impossible dream. "Did you get your jacket? The nights are cold now."

"Mm, isn't that what snuggling under the blanket is for?" Jason teases.

Camryn laughs and gives him a little shove. "I got my own tent, mister, remember?"

"Carson! Look, I'm sorry, but you had your chance! This was the last straw!"

Carson looks at his employer, anger in his eyes, his veins ablaze with frustration. Reaching to his shirt, he pulls off his nametag that bore the logo of the hardware store. Tossing it onto the counter, he turns to stalk toward the door. "Tell Ryan he won for me," he calls over his shoulder.

Once outside, he stops a minute with his hands on his hips, takes a deep breath and heads for his car. After slamming a fist onto the hood, he gets in and pulls away. Job number three down the tubes. Too late to work...an acccident...now accused of stealing. What else.

Driving down the road, he finally pulls into his apartment parking lot and just sits. He remembers the look in Misty's eye the last time he told her he'd lost another job. Now he'd see it all over again. It wasn't his fault...but it was just one more thing he couldn't do right. He just wasn't cut out for day jobs. He was a failure, and it was wearing on him. He'd tried for over two months...how he'd tried. He'd quit smoking again, he'd stayed clean with the law, he'd even gotten back in Reese's good graces and made up with Jason. But what did it matter if he couldn't even survive. Misty had everything going for her...she was doing great at TJY and holding her own. Why she wanted to keep him around, he didn't know.

Heaving a sigh, he gets out of his car and trudges inside. It was back to the newspaper once more to find an more job openings.

"He shoots, he scores!" Scott throws his hands up in the air as his crumpled paper lands in the wastebasket across his office.

"Scott!" Susanne's desperate voice comes over the intercom. "I need you!"

Scott throws her a raspberry in response.


"Alright, alright, hold your horses. What did you blow up this time?"


Scott grins and gets up from his desk. "I'm coming, I'm coming." On his way to Susanne's, he swings by Katie's cubicle and sticks his head through the doorway. "Hey. Tonight. You, me, nice quiet restaurant...how about it?"

Cindy rocks in the chair in the living room, closing her eyes and listening to the soft music on the radio. She shifts her weight, just a little uncomfortable with her growing size, and finding it more and more difficult to get around. But she was happy. She was so happy. Life had been hard, but things were going so right now.

Glancing up at he clock, she knows Wes will be back for lunch soon. She already had everything ready for him, and never tired of seeing him walk through that door.

An opened letter lies on the table beside her chair. One from Nevada. One that told of her son's engagement. It had been the first of many that he sent, but for some reason she liked rereading it, just to be reminded that even though she'd felt as though she'd failed at times with Jason, he had come so far.

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