

Jason looks up quickly having not heard Katie approach. He gives her a wry grin about the orange juice and nods. "Okay, okay, I won't buck ya."

At her question, he pauses the work on his guitar and looks at the floor for several minutes. He hadn't told anyone what he was going to do tonight. He wasn't sure why...maybe it just felt too private to share until he'd actually done it. Or perhaps he was scared he wasn't really going to follow through. But if there was one person he could talk to about it...one person on the planet that he could share anything with....it was Katie.

Finally looking up, a small smile forms. He doesn't block out his feelings of happiness from her...not this time. "Yeah, I guess I am a million miles away. Or maybe it's my heart."

He clips some excess string off the end of his guitar and sets the instrument on a stand, finished with the task. Glancing back to Katie, he cocks his head. "I, um...I haven't told the guys yet...I might not - it will be fun to surprise them too, but... Well, Camryn's planning to come tonight, and..."

Jason pauses for a moment. He hoped Katie wouldn't feel too strangely about this. After all, he and she were obviously just friends now, and she was already engaged and well on her way to her own life. "Would you think me too crazy if I asked Camryn to marry me tonight?"

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