
Rock and a Hard Place

*Misty cant help but laugh a little. Carson always though he needed to be flashy for her but when deep down it was that fast food and drive by the lake she liked the most. *

"I think that sounds perfect. I havent had BK in so long now my mouth is watering thinking about it and...the atmosphere is always nice when your around. Should I drive over to your place after work? or are you going to pick me up here when you get out?"

*Misty leans back in her chair as she talks to Carson a smile on her face. *

*Wes smiles down at his wife again giving her a kiss before he disappears into the kitchen and returns with some plates ready to eat lunch.*

"I don't mind your hungry all the time. Have to keep you and the baby healthy."

*Smiling he helps put the food on the plate and make sure Cindy is situated before siting down himself to say a small prayer and than eat.*

*Katie was dressed nicely tonight to match the restront. She has on a long flowing black shirt and a white lacy tank top. A pare of black sandles finish off the outfit. She hated dressing up and she lothed wearing skirts or dress' even more but it wasent often that her and Scott went to a nice place like this so she had a few for just an occation like this.

As Scott talks about Domino Katie cant help but laugh.*

"Ok well you can let her know tonight we will have a family outing last this week."

*As Katie stairs across the table at Scott her gets a strange feeling all of a suddon. It almost felt like a storm of some kind unseen was around the courner and this time, it would leave more desaster than one person new how to handle. Almost like a chainreaction storm destroying everything in its path.

Give alittle shake of her head Katie smiles at Scott trying to shake the feeling. She wanted to enjoy herself tonight. Looking down at her menu she decieds what to have.*

*Misty enjoys her time with Carson. She loved every moment she spend with him weather it was at eather of there apartment or just siting on the beach. As Misty is drawn into his arm and siting comfortable she lets out a conent sigh only to have it broken by Carson news. Turning to look at Carson face Misty feel simpaly. She new he was trying she did.*

"Oh no Carson...what happend this time babe?"

*As the night becomes alittle later Katie and Scott's laughter rings from there table as storys and jokes are bing tossed around. It was a nice time indeed something they both needed.

As Scott continues with his story suddanly and out of the blue Katie blood runs cold. Emotions hiting her face and hard alittle to fast causing her to cry out a little. Bringing both her hand to her head she whisper.*

"No, Jason...stop..."

*It was no use though. Katie new Jason was camping and dident have him phone and dispite her pleading the emotions, feeling dident stop. This time is was bad, almost worse than ever before. It almost felt the same as the day Jason got out of prison and he threw the emotions at her on purpis, but Katie new the content of these emotions, she new these feelings and Jason wasent ok.

Looking up at Scott Katie feels horrable but dosent think twice Jason needed her once again and she couldent turn away. Tear fill her eyes as the emotions keep coming.*

"I'm so sorry Scott, but I have to go. Something wrong with Jason and its bad. Worse than its been in a long time. I have to go I'm sorry."

*Katie puts her napkin on the table and stands. She did feel horrable caught between a rockand a half place. Pulled in 2 directions.*

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